PrizmDoc® Viewer v13.27 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / Administrator Guide / PrizmDoc Server / Configuring / PCCIS Configuration
In This Topic
    PCCIS Configuration
    In This Topic


    This topic covers how to configure the PCCIS service of PrizmDoc Server. Most of the parameters are updated automatically as discussed in the Central Configuration topic. However, some parameters can be updated manually to configure viewing of large documents. The default timeout values might not be enough when viewing large documents, so the parameters described in this topic offer a way to increase those values.


    1. Given the default installation directory, the paths for the PCCIS configuration file are:
    2. After making any changes to the configuration files, you need to restart the PrizmDoc Server.

    The following options are available for configuration within the PCCIS configuration file:

    Property Default Value Supported Values Description
    PageInteractiveTimeout 25000 An integer recommended to be between 5000 (5 seconds) and 120000 (2 minutes) When PCCIS receives a request for page-level content or other data, this is the number of milliseconds that PCCIS will wait for that information to become available before the request times out and returns an error. Consider increasing this value if you are viewing documents containing a large number of pages.
    DocumentInteractiveTimeout 50000 An integer recommended to be between 30000 (30 seconds) and 300000 (5 minutes) When PCCIS receives a request for document-level data like page count, this is the number of milliseconds that PCCIS will wait for that information to become available before the request times out and returns an error. Consider increasing this value if you are viewing documents containing a large number of pages or comparing documents with a large number of differences.
    DocumentAcquisitionTimeout 45000 An integer recommended to be between 5000 (5 seconds) and 120000 (2 minutes) When PCCIS is responsible for downloading the source document directly from a specified HTTP location (documentSource viewing session property equals "http"), this is the number of milliseconds that request will wait before timing out. Consider increasing this value if you are viewing large (in terms of size) documents or comparing documents with a large number of differences.
    InternalOperationTimeout 100000 An integer recommended to be between 100000 (100 seconds) and 600000 (10 minutes) When PCCIS begins the conversion for a document, it has InternalOperationTimeout milliseconds to complete all of the conversion, comparison and text extraction operations. If this timeout is reached, the viewing session will be stopped because a valid document was not obtained. Consider increasing this value if you are comparing documents with a large number of differences or performing a text search having a large number of occurrences in the document.
    RetainContextOnHealthIssue false true, false

    A flag indicating whether the context (recently-processed work) should be saved when the service becomes unhealthy. Normally, this should be false, but you can set it to true to preserve documents that cause problems. When this is true, and only when the service transitions from healthy to unhealthy, the source documents and cached work will not be expired and deleted. This allows them to be reprocessed to see if they caused the health problem.

    IMPORTANT Note that if you stop and restart PCCIS, it will no longer preserve the files and may delete them.

    Modifying the configuration file in Docker

    In order to modify the pcc.config when using Docker on Linux platforms, you will first need to export it from the container by executing a command like this:

    docker run --rm --volume $(pwd)/config:/config --entrypoint /bin/bash accusoft/prizmdoc-server -c "cp /usr/share/prizm/pccis/ServiceHost/pcc.config /config/"

    After retrieving the file and making any desired changes, the container must then be started with the modified file:

    docker run --rm --env ACCEPT_EULA=YES --publish 18681:18681 --volume $(pwd)/config:/config --volume $(pwd)/logs:/logs --volume $(pwd)/data:/data --volume $(pwd)/config/pcc.config:/usr/share/prizm/pccis/ServiceHost/pcc.config --name prizmdoc-server accusoft/prizmdoc-server