PrizmDoc Viewer v13.25 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / Developer Guide / Viewer / Configure the Viewer / Configuration Options / Use Pre-loaded Search Parameters
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    Use Pre-loaded Search Parameters
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    preDefinedSearch Parameters

    This object contains all predefined search options:

    Parameter Data Type Description
    highlightColor String The default highlight color of the search terms. This is overridden by the term-level parameter. This must be in 6 digit hexadecimal format preceded by a #.

    Example: "#ee3a8c"
    searchOnInit Boolean Run search on launch.
    globalOptions Object Set the default search options for each of the predefined search terms. This is overridden by the term-level options parameter.

    predefinedSearch : {
    globalOptions: {
    matchCase: false,
    endsWith: false,
    beginsWith: false,
    matchWholeWord: false
    terms Array An array of objects that represent the search terms that will be available in the predefined search menu.

    predefinedSearch : {
    terms: [
    searchTerm: "llama"

    predefinedSearch Terms

    This object represents the search terms that will be available in the predefined search menu:

    Parameter Data Type Description
    searchTerm String The search string for the term object. This is overridden by the userDefinedRegex parameter.
    userDefinedRegex String A regular expression that will be searched in place of searchTerm. The first and last forward slashes, as well as the flags, are stripped from the string. For example, "/Pa(\\w+)/ig" will become "Pa(\\w+)". When special characters (ex: backslash) are used in the userDefinedRegex field, they need to be properly escaped. For example, for searching words that begins with "Pa", the regular expression will be "Pa(\\w+)", this regular expression should be properly escaped like this "Pa(\\w+)". All patterns use the Global(g) flag.

    predefinedSearch : {
    terms: [
    searchTerm: "4 digits"
    userdefinedRegex: "(\\d{4})"
    selected Boolean Whether or not this term will be selected in the menu.
    options Object Set the search options for this term. If a parameter is not defined it will inherit the globalOptions-level parameter.

    predefinedSearch : {
    terms: [
    searchTerm: "Lla,"
    options: {
    matchCase: true,
    endsWith: false,
    beginsWith: true,
    matchWholeWord: false