PrizmDoc Viewer v13.25 Release - Updated
PrizmDoc Viewer / API Reference / PAS REST API / General Information / Base URL for PAS
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    Base URL for PAS
    In This Topic


    When making REST API calls to PAS, you need to use the appropriate base URL.

    PrizmDoc Cloud PAS

    If you are using the Accusoft-managed PAS which is part of PrizmDoc Cloud, the base URL for the PAS REST APIs varies depending on your region:

    Region PAS Base URL
    United States

    Note the trailing /prizmdoc at the end of the base URL. When using the Accusoft-managed PAS which is part of PrizmDoc Cloud, this is a required part of the base URL.

    Remember that PrizmDoc Cloud requires you to authenticate each request with an acs-api-key request header.

    Self-Hosted PAS

    When hosting PAS yourself, just use the hostname and port of your PAS instance (or the hostname and port of the load balancer which sits in front of your PAS cluster).

    For a typical installation on localhost, the PAS base URL will be:
