PrizmDoc v13.2 - Updated
Module: download-signed-form
API Reference > PrizmDoc E-Signature Viewer API > Module: download-signed-form

Module: download-signed-form

Manages downloading a signed form.

This UI of this module is a modal dialog box that shows the signature burn-in status, allows the user to cancel the burning and download, and allows the user to download the signed form.

Listens to Events:
var DownloadSignedForm = require('download-signed-form.js');

// a generic Viewer constructor
function Viewer(opts) {
    var myDownloadSignedForm = DownloadSignedForm(this, {
        elem: document.getElementById('myDownloadSignedForm')

(require("download-signed-form"))(viewer, options)

Creates the download signed form module.

Name Type Description
viewer Core

The core viewer to which the module will attach.

options Object

An options object.

Name Type Description
elem HTMLElement

The element in which the module UI will be inserted.



Destroys the module.