PrizmDoc Viewer v13.11 Release - Updated
Using Docker
Administrator Guide > Install PrizmDoc Server > Using Docker

Using Docker

This section explains how to deploy a PrizmDoc Server instance using the official PrizmDoc Server docker image, available on Docker Hub as accusoft/prizmdoc-server.


To run PrizmDoc Server as a Docker container, you simply need a Docker host (a machine with Docker installed). See the Docker documentation for more information.

1. Create a PrizmDoc Server config file

Before you can run PrizmDoc Server, you'll need a config file. We've included a special init-config command in our Docker image which you can use to create an initial config file.

Windows (PowerShell)

First, make sure you've created a config directory on your host file system. This will be the directory where your new config file will be created:

mkdir config

Then, use the Docker image's init-config command to create a new PrizmDoc Server config file:

docker run --rm -e ACCEPT_EULA=YES --volume $pwd/config:/config accusoft/prizmdoc-server init-config

This will create a new PrizmDoc Server config file on your Windows host filesystem at .\config\prizm-services-config.yml.

Linux (bash)

Use the init-config command to create a new PrizmDoc Server config file:

docker run --rm -e ACCEPT_EULA=YES --volume $(pwd)/config:/config accusoft/prizmdoc-server init-config

This will create a new PrizmDoc Server config file on your host filesystem at ./config/prizm-services-config.yml.

2. Configure your license

To start an instance of PrizmDoc Server, you need a license key from Accusoft. If you don't have a license, contact

To configure the license, set the values of license.solutionName and license.key in your PrizmDoc Server config file (prizm-services-config.yml).

NOTE: On a Linux system, because the config file was created by a Docker container, you will need to either edit the config file as root or change the owner of the file before editing it.

For more information about configuring PrizmDoc Server, see Configuring PrizmDoc Server.

3. Start PrizmDoc Server

If you are using the default configuration, you can start PrizmDoc Server like so:

Windows (PowerShell)

First, create a directory on your host file system to store log files:

mkdir logs

Then, start a prizmdoc-server container:

docker run --rm --env ACCEPT_EULA=YES --publish 18681:18681 --volume $pwd/config:/config --volume $pwd/logs:/logs --name prizmdoc-server accusoft/prizmdoc-server

Linux (bash)

Start a prizmdoc-server container:

docker run --rm --env ACCEPT_EULA=YES --publish 18681:18681 --volume $(pwd)/config:/config --volume $(pwd)/logs:/logs --volume $pwd/data:/data --name prizmdoc-server accusoft/prizmdoc-server

In the examples above:

If you want to start the Docker container in the background, add the -d option to docker run to run the container in disconnected mode.

4. Check PrizmDoc Server has finished starting and is healthy

It may take several minutes for PrizmDoc Server to finish starting. But, once fully started, GET /PCCIS/V1/Service/Current/Health should return HTTP 200, indicating PrizmDoc Server is healthy (while starting, this request will return nothing or an error).

Windows (PowerShell)

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:18681/PCCIS/V1/Service/Current/Health

Should eventually output something like:

StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           : {79, 75}
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    X-Server-Chain: 2b95007f011f
                    X-Server-Response-Time: 0
                    Connection: keep-alive
                    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
                    Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 17:01:04 GMT
Headers           : {[X-Server-Chain, 2b95007f011f], [X-Server-Response-Time, 0], [Connection, keep-alive], [Transfer-Encoding, chunked]...}
RawContentLength  : 2

NOTE: It may take several minutes for PrizmDoc Server to start. You will not get a 200 result until PrizmDoc Server has fully started.

Linux (bash)

curl -i http://localhost:18681/PCCIS/V1/Service/Current/Health

Should eventually output something like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Server-Chain: 69a6d22f90b9
X-Server-Response-Time: 1
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 20:25:31 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


NOTE: It may take several minutes for PrizmDoc Server to start. You will not get a 200 result until PrizmDoc Server has fully started.

Troubleshooting: Check the admin status page

If you're not getting a 200 response at all, try checking the PrizmDoc Server admin status page in a browser: http://localhost:18681/admin

5. Stopping the container

You can stop your named container with:

docker stop prizmdoc-server