PrizmDoc Viewer v13.11 Release - Updated
Evaluating with Docker
Administrator Guide > Evaluating with Docker

We have a public Docker image which makes it easy to evaluate PrizmDoc Viewer on a single machine: accusoft/prizmdoc-viewer-eval.

Running this image will:

  1. Start a demo web application at http://localhost:8000 where you can easily explore the viewer and its features using your own documents.
  2. Start a complete PrizmDoc Viewer backend which you can begin using for local development of your application.

NOTE: The accusoft/prizmdoc-viewer-eval Docker image is only suitable for evaluation and local development. It is not suitable for a production deployment. You'll want to use the accusoft/prizmdoc-application-services and accusoft/prizmdoc-server Docker images instead. See the Admin Guide for more information.

Minimum Required Hardware Resources

Before running, you MUST make sure that you've configured Docker to use the following minimum hardware resources:

If you try to run the image with fewer CPUs or less memory, it may not function correctly.


First, pull the latest version of the accusoft/prizmdoc-viewer-eval image:

docker pull accusoft/prizmdoc-viewer-eval:latest

Then, start a running container:

docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 -p 3000:3000 -p 18681:18681 -e ACCEPT_EULA=YES --name prizmdoc-viewer-eval accusoft/prizmdoc-viewer-eval:latest

Optional: Providing a License Key

The example above starts PrizmDoc Viewer without a license key in a limited evaluation mode. If you would like to do a full-featured evaluation of the product, contact for a license. If you have a license, you can provide it by setting two extra environment variables, LICENSE_SOLUTION_NAME and LICENSE_LICENSE_KEY:

docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 -p 3000:3000 -p 18681:18681 -e ACCEPT_EULA=YES -e LICENSE_SOLUTION_NAME=YOUR_SOLUTION_NAME -e LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY --name prizmdoc-viewer-eval accusoft/prizmdoc-viewer-eval:latest

Just replace YOUR_SOLUTION_NAME and YOUR_LICENSE_KEY with the actual values.

Wait for Everything to Finish Starting

It will take a minute or two for the PrizmDoc Viewer backend to fully start. Eventually, you should see something like this:

 PrizmDoc Server is running at:

 PAS (PrizmDoc Application Services) is running at:

 Demo application will be started at:

Starting the demo application...

> prizmdoc-viewer-eval-demo@1.0.0 start /demo
> NODE_ENV=production node main.js

Application running at http://localhost:8888

Once you see this, the container is fully up and running.

Using the Demo

After starting, you can view the demo app at http://localhost:8888 and start exploring the viewer and its features with your own documents.

Developing Against the Backend

Additionally, you can use the PrizmDoc Viewer backend for local development of your own application. See the Getting Started Guide and sample applications for examples of how to begin.

When configuring your application:


To stop the running Docker container, just use Ctrl+C in the same terminal where the container is running.

Alternately, you can stop the container by name: docker stop prizmdoc-viewer-eval