PrizmDoc v13.1 - Updated


The Attachments API allows you to view EML and MSG attachments using PrizmDoc Server.

Available URLs

URL Description
[GET /PCCIS/V1/ViewingSession/u{ViewingSessionID}/Attachments] Returns a JSON List object Attachments containing the collection of Attachment objects.

GET /PCCIS/V1/ViewingSession/u{ViewingSessionID}/Attachments

This RESTful API returns a JSON List object Attachments containing the collection of Attachment objects. If the return object list length has a zero count and no errors detected, there are no attachments. The status property of the List object denotes whether the list is completed or not thus whether the request must be retried again. Each Attachment object in the list contains displayName and viewingSessionId property. The displayName can be used to label an href link on a web page and the link points to the viewingSessionId URL for the attachment. Please see the PrizmDoc Server samples for more details.


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
{ViewingSessionID} The ID of the viewing session associated with the request.

Successful Response

Response Body

If successful, this method returns the following properties:

Error Responses

Status Code Description
500 Internal service error. This error can be returned for a number of different reasons. Please verify that your input is correct, and contact Support if the error persists.



GET http://localhost:18681/PCCIS/V1/ViewingSession/uGcIsIsEGbLV2_V9yy4NzmK2HB-JuLOH--A9sZ16cla9txO0ZDBGfq1G4kKu0r_GyEps4wWCvDwn4dpnZAR76Uw/Attachments


HTTP 200
 Content-Type: application/json
     "attachments": [
             "displayName": "example-file.pdf",
             "viewingSessionId": "SC0fZEMYiiGdOPMKBqLY8P6EAnVLEqxeTHjUUYqqxgJJc3s3wsQ8Lw2qqvkD1uLKTpAlF1ce23EQ6BFpYb4E3LC9TsXxwHCgB-I1c5rPOt0"
             "displayName": "second-example.doc",
             "viewingSessionId": "33qQovKTjc0UKbNgOI-5POEyCpNw5x-uEzGMB13iUVhnCa_UHSSnOpRBEzPKeD7Maxq2RQu2SOOwJjl4X4iU_65OQjx2EI5-7h-bXlYc6uA"
     "status": "complete"