PrizmDoc v12.3 - Updated
Disable Excel Pagination for PrizmDoc Server
Administrator Guide > System Configuration > Configure the PrizmDoc Server > Disable Excel Pagination for PrizmDoc Server

PrizmDoc Server support two basic pagination modes for rendering Excel documents:

In non-paginated mode, each Excel sheet, irrespective of its size, is rendered onto a single page. If the number of columns and/or rows is large, then this might result in very small and unreadable output. In paginated mode, each Excel sheet is divided into a number of pages, such that each page fits into a specific size (see Customizing Excel Pagination Settings for PrizmDoc Server).

By default, Excel pagination is enabled. To disable pagination, edit the central configuration file. Modify the following parameter to disable or enable pagination:

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fileTypes.excel.pagination.enabled: true
The following configuration properties have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Alter these properties only if not using the central configuration file.

To disable pagination using legacy configuration, edit the Watchdog configuration file located in the following default directories:

Modify the following parameter to disable or enable pagination:

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"officeConversionService": {