The following table contains a list of some of the configurable options when initializing the Viewer plugin. For additional configuration options, refer to the Namespace: fn API topic.
Parameter |
Data Type |
Description |
annotationID |
String |
Specifies the annotation file to be used within the Viewer. For example:
autoLoadAnnotation |
Boolean |
If set to True, the specified annotation file will be loaded when the Viewer launches resourcePath. |
debug |
Boolean |
If true, Viewer logs to the console. If false or no value, Viewer will not log to the console. |
documentID |
String |
Specifies the document to be loaded within the Viewer. |
encryption |
Boolean |
Specifies whether content encryption is turned on or off. |
imageHandlerUrl |
String |
Specifies the location of the image handler. |
language |
Object |
An object containing the contents of the language.json file. |
predefinedSearch |
Object |
An object containing all predefined search options. These are defined in the predefinedSearch.json file. See Pre-loaded Search for more information. |
resourcePath |
String |
The location of the images used in the Viewer. |
serviceResponseTimeout |
Integer |
Indicates the response timeout interval, in milliseconds, for all services to the server. Default is 60000. |
signatureCategories | String |
Specifies the categories of E-Signature to add to the UI. This is a comma separated string containing the types of signatures that the application expects. When no value is passed in, the UI to select categories will be disabled. Example: "Full Signature,Initials,Name,Title" |
template |
Object |
An object containing the different templates used in the Viewer. |
uiElements |
Object |
An object containing parameters that toggle UI elements in the Viewer. See uiElements for more information. |