PrizmDoc v12.2 - March 9, 2017
Uninstalling PrizmDoc on Linux

To uninstall PrizmDoc from your Linux system, perform the following steps:

  1. Stop the service, depending upon where you installed. This will usually be:

# /usr/share/prizm/scripts/ stop

  1. Next remove the installed files:


# sudo apt-get remove prizm-services.*

Red Hat/CentOS:

# yum remove prizm-services*

Generic Package:

Remove symbolic links to the fonts directory and update system fonts cache.

# rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/99-accusoft_prizm_fonts.conf
# fc-cache -f

This will also remove PrizmDoc Client if it is installed.

# rm -Rf /usr/share/prizm

  1. There will potentially be temporary files left behind. The same command to remove the generic package can be used to remove all remaining files. This will also remove PrizmDoc Client if it is installed.

# rm -Rf /usr/share/prizm



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