Setting Up Your Database for use with PrizmDoc Application Services

How to set up your database for use with PrizmDoc Application Services

For information on configuring PAS to communicate with your database, see the PAS Configuration section in the help file.

Creating the required database tables

Some databases, like Microsoft SQL Server, require that the tables be created before PAS can use them. This is a manual step.

The easiest way to create the tables is to run the scripts available as part of PAS.

On Windows:

cd C:\Prizm\pas\db

On Linux:

cd /usr/share/prizm/pas/db

This will create the required tables in the database that is configured through the PAS configuration file. If you need to change any of the configuration temporarily when running these scripts (such as using a different user that has the required privileges to create tables), you can specify any of the database.* properties from the PAS configuration file as command line flags, as such:

createtables.cmd --user=createTablesUser --password=Pa55w0rd

./ --user=createTablesUser --password=Pa55w0rd

Advanced use

For advances database administrators, you may want to inspect and manually run the SQL scripts to create tables. You can use this by adding the --export-scripts flag to the above commands, as such (the commands below work on both Windows and Linux using the appropriate script):

./ --export-scripts --filepath=/path/to/script.sql

When running this command, the configured database will not be changed, and the script will be saved to the output file specified.

Pre-Conversion Services developer preview

Pre-Conversion Services are included as a "Developer Preview." This feature is in late-stage development and api's marked as such should be used for evaluation purposes only and should not be used in production deployments. Note that these api's may undergo change prior to feature completion. The Pre-Conversion Services will be feature complete in PrizmDoc version 11.2. The Viewing Package Creator API provides a facility to fully convert a document for viewing prior to the creation of a Viewing Session. If a large document is converted for viewing at the time a Viewing Session is created, the user may experience a delay when viewing later pages in the document. By converting a document prior to viewing, the entire document is available for viewing immediately.



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