Using Accusoft 64-bit ActiveX Components

Accusoft 64-bit ActiveX components are built for maximum compatibility with our 32-bit ActiveX counterparts, providing the customer ease of upgrading an existing 32-bit application. The primary development platforms that we tested are Visual Studio C++, VBScript, JavaScript, C#, and VB.Net.

Upon inspection of these controls, you will notice that filenames will end in ActiveX for traditional 32-bit ActiveX controls or end in ActiveX64 for newer 64-bit ActiveX controls. If you use a tool such as OLEView, you will notice that when the control is registered they share the same GUID which allows the operating system ease of automatic selection.

Visual Studio is still a 32-bit development environment. The Accusoft installer will automatically place the 32-bit versions of the ActiveX in the toolbox. Since the components share the same interface and the same GUID, you can use all the ease of the Visual Studio development environment and still have all the power of 64-bit under the hood.


When developing a C++ application you can #import in the progid, and compile targeting either Win64 or Win32. While progid is the recommended approach, if you #import by filename, we suggest you use the Sysnative redirector instead of the System32 directory as Visual Studio may get confused.

When creating a C++ dialog application, you can “Insert ActiveX Control…” onto the dialog. You will be presented with a dialog showing all the registered 32-bit controls. Select the desired ActiveX from the dialog. The second step of “Add Variable…” will automatically create accusoftcontrol1.h and accusoftcontrol1.cpp files that are compatible in both Win32 and Win64. The compiler will automatically use the correct version of the ActiveX based on the targeted platform.


When using a scripting environment such as VBScript and JavaScript, the ActiveX controls will be able to seamlessly run under both Internet Explorer 32-bit and Internet Explorer 64-bit. Just code your HTML as you always have. Register both ActiveX and ActiveX64 on the target machine. You will be able to run under either the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.


When creating a .Net AnyCPU application, you can import the ActiveX controls and have the application automatically switch if you are on a 32 or 64-bit machine. Just drag and drop the ActiveX control on your form as normal. Make sure the application is set for AnyCPU. Register both ActiveX and ActiveX64 on the target machine. The application will run as native code on any 32-bit or 64-bit machine (except Itanium).

If your application will only run on 64-bit machines, you can set the application to target x64, and only distribute the ActiveX64.


All handles are treated as 32-bit values. This creates full compatibility between all Accusoft controls, freeing the developer from worrying about what bit depth they are running in. If you use a third party control that has 64-bit handles, it is mandatory that you use the Microsoft provided LongToHandle and HandleToLong macros.



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