Debug Your Application

Because debugging and writing debug information to a log file is time consuming and expensive, PrintPRO™ provides the ability to control the level of information written to the debug log as well as the ability to turn off writing to a file completely.

Use the objects below to adjust the settings of your debugging, event handling, memory and IDispose for optimal performance.

Control Debugging Information

When ErrorLevel is set to Detailed, PrintPRO logs most of your calls to the component including the occurrence of exceptions, the result of most major operations and the operation of each event it raises.


Stop Memory Leaks

After using the PrintPRO object, call the Dispose method.

Reset the Page Property after Printing the Image

Please make sure that the SelectDefaultPrinter method or SetDefaultPrinter method is being called before using the StartPrintDoc method.

Error Codes

Listed below is a cross-reference of error codes and their corresponding descriptions.



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