Accusoft PrintPRO 8
PP_DrawMode Enumeration

Option values which define the possible values to determine appearance of output from graphics methods.

PP_DrawMode_Blackness1(1) Blackness.
PP_DrawMode_CopyPen13(13) Color specified by the graphic method.
PP_DrawMode_Invert6(6) Inverse of the display color.
PP_DrawMode_MaskNotPen3(3) A combination of the colors common to the background and the inverse of the pen.
PP_DrawMode_MaskPen9(9) Combination of the colors common to both the pen and the display.
PP_DrawMode_MaskPenNot5(5) Combination of the colors common to both the pen and the inverse of the display.
PP_DrawMode_MergeNotPen12(12) Combination of the display color and the inverse of the pen color.
PP_DrawMode_MergePen15(15) Combination of the pen color and the display color.
PP_DrawMode_MergePenNot14(14) Combination of the pen color and the inverse of the display color.
PP_DrawMode_Nop11(11) No operation — output remains unchanged. In effect, this setting turns drawing off.
PP_DrawMode_NotCopyPen4(4) Inverse of CopyPen.
PP_DrawMode_NotMaskPen8(8) Inverse of Mask Pen.
PP_DrawMode_NotMergePen2(2) Inverse of MergePen.(3) Combination of the colors common to the background color and the inverse of the pen.
PP_DrawMode_NotXorPen10(10) Inverse of Xor Pen.
PP_DrawMode_Whiteness16(16) Whiteness.
PP_DrawMode_Xor7(7) Combination of the colors in the pen and in the display color, but not in both.



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