Accusoft PrintPRO 8
PP_DitherType Enumeration

Option values which define the possible types of dithering that can be done.

PP_DitherType_CoarseDither2(2) Dither with a coarse brush.
PP_DitherType_ErrorDiffusionDither5(5) Error diffusion dithering.
PP_DitherType_FineDither3(3) Dither with a fine brush.
PP_DitherType_GrayscaleDither10(10) Device does gray scaling.
PP_DitherType_LineArtDither4(4) Line art dithering, a special dithering method that produces well defined borders between black, white, and gray scaling. It is not suitable for images that include continuous gradations in intensity and hue such as scanned photographs.
PP_DitherType_NoDither1(1) No dithering.



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