PICTools Programmer's Reference


Copy Code
typedef struct {
   DWORD                       Reserved0;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               Reserved1;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               Reserved2;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               Reserved3;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               Reserved4;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               Reserved5;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               Reserved6;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               Reserved7;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               Reserved8;
   PICFLAGS                    PicFlags;
   PICFLAGS                    PicFlags2;
   REGION2                     Region;
   LONG                        WhiteBalanceMethod;
   double                      RedFactor;
   double                      BlueFactor;
   double                      BrightnessFactor;
   double                      Gamma;
   BOOL                        DoNotClipColors;
   BOOL                        DoNotConvertTosRGB;
   LONG                        InterpolationMethod;
   BOOL                        QuarterSizeImage;
   BOOL                        FourColorRGB;
   BOOL                        DoNotStretchColors;
   BOOL                        DoNotRemoveRotation;
   BOOL                        UseSecondaryPixels;
   LONG                        FileLength;
   DWORD                       ThumbnailType;
   DWORD                       ThumbnailLength;
   BYTE PICHUGE*               ThumbnailBuffer;
   DWORD                       DetectionMethod;


Name Description

Reserved0 - Reserved8

These fields are not currently used and must be set to 0.


If PF_ExpandThumbnail is set then the thumbnail will be returned in ThumbnailBuffer.


This field is not currently used and must be set to 0.


Information about the uncompressed image. This information will be set by REQ_INIT if it recognizes the image. Note that Region.Width and Region.Height and Region.Stride reflect the output image size. Those values will be the same as the values for the original image unless F_Crop is used to specify a subset of the image to return.


  • Set to 0 to have the opcode white balance the image, as the camera specified. If camera white-balance is not available, the opcode will set this value to 1 (during REQ_EXEC) and proceed as if that was the original value.
  • Set to 1 to have the opcode automatically white balance the image by examining the image content.
  • Set to 2 to apply no white balancing to the image.


Red samples in each pixel will be multiplied by this value after white balancing. This allows for white to be manually balanced or for additional adjustment to be applied after automatic processing. Valid values are 0.0 (indicating nothing should be done) or 0.01 to 100.0.


Blue samples in each pixel will be multiplied by this value after white balancing. This allows for white to be manually balanced or for additional adjustment to be applied after automatic processing. Valid values are 0.0 (indicating nothing should be done) or 0.01 to 100.0.


The brightness of each pixel will be multiplied using this factor. Valid values are 0.0 (indicating nothing should be done) or 0.01 to 100.0.


Gamma correction value to apply to each pixel. Valid values are 0.0 (meaning perform no gamma correction) or 0.1 to 10.0.


Set to TRUE to allow colors to exceed the expected range (but still not exceed the range of 0-65535.)


Set to TRUE to ignore possible camera color space differences and return the pixels in their native color space.


Set to 0 for a high-quality interpolation method. Set to 1 for a faster, but lower quality method. Interpolation affects boundaries and fine detail.


Set to TRUE to return an image that has been reduced by half in each direction. This is much faster than producing a full image and can be useful for thumbnails.


Set to TRUE to select an optional method for reading RGB raw images. This option is useful in some situations if noise is present in the output image.


Ordinarily, the opcode will automatically adjust the brightness/contrast to produce a well-lit image. Set this parameter to TRUE to skip this processing.


Because of the physical characteristics of Fuji CCD's, their images must be rotated. Set this parameter to TRUE to skip this rotation.


Set to TRUE to use secondary pixels (if available). Secondary pixels are less sensitive to light and will produce an image that is darker, but which has more detail in the bright areas.


Set to the length of the file containing the source image. If this value is left set to zero, the opcode will read through the get queue to determine the length of the file. Once it has determined the length of the file, it will set this parameter to the length.


This will be set to the type of the thumbnail in ThumbnailBuffer.  One of the following: BI_picJPEG, BI_PGM, BI_PPM.


This will be set to the length of the image in ThumbnailBuffer in bytes.


This will contain the thumbnail image if PF_ExpandThumbnail is set in PicFlags and the RAW file contains a thumbnail.  This buffer is managed by the opcode and should be set to 0 before calling REQ_INIT.


This will be set to the method by which the file type was detected.  One of the following: DETECTION_METHOD_NONE, DETECTION_METHOD_HEADER, DETECTION_METHOD_HEADERLESS.



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