Class | Description | |
AddTextOptions | Represents the options available for formatting and specifying rendering of added text. | |
AnnotationEventArgs | This class is used to describe annotations for event handlers. | |
AnnotationSubtypeMissingOrInvalidException | This exception occurs when an annotation dictionary has an invalid (not a name object) or missing /Subtype key. | |
BookmarkContext | This class contains information about a bookmark, and facilitates adding new bookmarks. | |
BookmarkNotFoundException | Thrown when an attempt is made to remove a bookmark that does not exist in the PDF document. | |
CancelInsertPagesEventArgs | This class implements EventArgs for the CancelInsertPages Event. | |
CompressOptions | Options for specifying compression of the document. | |
ContinueEventArgs | This class is used to interrupt and stop an operation. | |
ConvertOptions | Configures the conversion activities for a PDF document. | |
DamagedFileException | This exception occurs when a file is corrupt and needs to be repaired. | |
Document | This class represents a PDF document functionality, values, and implementations. | |
DocumentCollection | This class implements a document collection to manage one or more Document. | |
DocumentMetadata | This class contains information about PDF document metadata. | |
ExtractedImageIndexInvalidException | This exception occurs when the image index parameter of GetExtractedImage() is invalid. | |
ExtractImageOptions | Specifies options for extracting images. | |
ExtractPagesOptions | Represents the options which will be used to extract pages. | |
FileRepairFailedException | This exception occurs when a file is corrupt and can not be repaired. | |
Hyperlink | Describes a PDF hyperlink. | |
ImageDataInfo | This class describes image data outside of an image file. | |
ImageHasNotBeenExtractedException | This exception occurs when the image has not been extracted from page. | |
InsertPagesOptions | Represents the options which will be used to insert pages. | |
InvalidOwnerPasswordException | ||
InvalidPasswordException | Exception generated when trying to open a document whose security settings require a password, with the wrong password or no password. | |
Licensing | The class implements the licensing for PdfXpress. | |
NoValidFontFoundException | Exception generated when trying to add text to a document but no Type 1 fonts with Roman characters are found. | |
OpenOptions | This class implements options for opening an existing PDF file. | |
OperationStoppedException | Thrown when an operation has been stopped. | |
PageArtifactOptions | Represents the options which will be used to add PageArtifacts such as Watermarks. | |
PageInfo | This class implements the description of the existing PDF page. | |
PageList | This class represents a collection of PageRange objects. The InsertPagesOptions object uses this collection to describe the pages to be inserted from the source Document into the target Document. | |
PageMissingGraphicsException | This exception occurs when a page has no visible graphics. | |
PageOptions | This class implements options for creating a new PDF page. | |
PageRange | This class implements a series of contiguous (adjacent) pages. | |
PageRenderedEventArgs | This class implements the EventArgs for the PageRendered Event. | |
PageRenderingEventArgs | This class implements EventArgs for PageRending Event. | |
PdfDocumentAttachment | Defines a document-level attachment in a PDF file. | |
PdfImage | Specifies an image on a page. | |
PdfXpress | This class implements the main component features of PdfXpress. | |
PdfXpressException | This exception occurs in the main PDF library. | |
PdfXpressLibraryException | This exception occurs in the underlying PDF library. | |
PdfXpressLicensingException | This exception occurs when PDF Xpress is not licensed for the function called. | |
PdfXpressNotIntializedException | This exception occurs when PDF Xpress is used before being initialized. | |
Quadrilateral | This class implements and defines a bounding quadrilateral represented by four fixed points (one at each corner). | |
QuadrilateralCollection | This class implements a collection of Quadrilateral objects. Only the TextMatch class uses this class. | |
RenderDcOptions | This class encapsulates options used when drawing a PDF page to a Windows GDI+ device context. | |
RenderEpsOptions | This class implements options when rendering a PDF page to an Encapsulated PostScript. | |
RenderOptions | This class implements options when rendering a page to a bitmap, DIB, or image data. | |
SaveOptions | This class implements options when saving a PDF document to a PDF file. | |
Security | This class represents a PDF document's Security settings. | |
TextBoxExceedsPageBoundsException | Exception generated if the bounds of a user text box exceed the page bounds to which the text is added. | |
TextFinder | This class implements access to the text of a PDF page and returns selected text match information from user-defined criteria. | |
TextFinderOptions | This class implements the options which will be used to generate a text finder. | |
TextMatch | This class implements options for text matching. | |
TextMatchOptions | This class implements the options which will be used to generate a text match. | |
TextOutOfBoundsException | Exception generated when trying to add text to a document that exceeds the page bounds. | |
XfdfOptions | Configures the XFDF data binding activities for a PDF document. |
Delegate | Description | |
ContinueEventHandler | Delegate for the Document.ContinueImport or Document.ContinueExport event. | |
Document.CancelInsertPagesEventHandler | Delegate for the Document.CancelInsertPages event. | |
ExportedAnnotationEventHandler | Delegate for the Document.ExportedAnnotation event. | |
PdfXpress.PageRenderedEventHandler | Delegate for the PdfXpress.PageRendered event. | |
PdfXpress.PageRenderingEventHandler | Delegate for the PdfXpress.PageRendering event. |
Enumeration | Description | |
BookmarkStyles | Describes bookmark style. | |
ColorAndGrayCompressionMode | Specifies the compression mode to use for color and grayscale images. | |
DestinationFit | Describes the destination fit type. | |
DeviceTechnology | A Windows GDI+ device context technology category classification. | |
EncryptMethod | Specifies the Encryption Algorithm for the document. | |
ErrorLevel | The error level of items to place into the debug log. | |
EvaluationChoice | Option values which determine the evaluation modes available for use. | |
FontFamily | Represents the font family to be used for added text. | |
FontWeight | Represents the weight of the added text. | |
HorizontalAlignment | Represents the HorizontalAlignment of PageArtifacts added to the document. | |
ImageColorSpace | Option values which determine the color space of the image data (or the palette data if the image data color space is Palette). | |
ImageDataFormat | Option values which determine the compression scheme used to compress the image data. | |
ImageFitSettings | Option values which determine the fit of the image within the destination rectangle. | |
Jbig2CompressionLevel | Specifies the level of compression to use for Jbig2. | |
Jpeg2000CompressionLevel | Specifies the level of compression to use for Jpeg2000. | |
JpegCompressionLevel | Specifies the level of compression to use for Jpeg. | |
PdfCoordinateSystem | PDF coordinate systems. | |
PdfType | Represents the type of PDF specification to be used. | |
PermissionStatus | Specifies the status of the Permission for the document. | |
RenderMode | Represents the render mode to be used for added text. This allows for specification of visibility. | |
RotateAngle | A clockwise rotation, expressed in degrees. | |
TextDecoration | Represents the text decoration to be used for added text. | |
TypeOfArtifact | Represents the type of PageArtifact added to the document, i.e. Text or Source. | |
VerticalAlignment | Represents the VerticalAlignment of PageArtifacts added to the document. | |
WrapMode | Represents the auto-wrap behavior of the added text. | |
ZOrder | Represents the ZOrder of PageArtifacts added to the document. |