Accusoft PDF Xpress Control v7.0
TextMatchOptions Object Members
Public Properties
Public Property BeginTextOffsetGets and sets the beginning offset relative to the front of a page's text string to report a text match for.
Public Property EndTextOffsetGets and sets the ending offset relative to the front of a page's text string to report a text match for.
Public Property NumberOfWordsAfterMatchToReportGets and sets the number of words after the matched text in the string returned by the WordsAfter property.
Public Property NumberOfWordsBeforeMatchToReport

Gets and sets the number of words before the matched text in the string returned by the WordsBefore property.

Public Property ReturnCompleteWords

Gets and sets an indicator if the matched text and quadrilaterals reflect the characters in the specified character-index range or complete words overlapping the specified character-index range.

See Also

TextMatchOptions Object



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