Accusoft PDF Xpress Control v7.0
AddImageFromFile Method
A long value which represents the page number.
A double value which represents the x (horizontal) coordinate value for the image.
A double value which represents the y (vertical) coordinate value for the image.
A double value which represents the width for the image.
A double value which represents the height for the image.
A pdfImageFitSettings enumeration value.
A string value which represents the source image filename.
A long value which represents the source image page number.
Adds image data from a file to an existing page in a PDF document.
Visual Basic
Public Sub AddImageFromFile( _
   ByVal PageNumber As Long, _
   ByVal DestinationX As Double, _
   ByVal DestinationY As Double, _
   ByVal DestinationWidth As Double, _
   ByVal DestinationHeight As Double, _
   ByVal DestinationFit As pdfImageFitSettings, _
   ByVal SourceImageFilename As String, _
   ByVal SourceImagePageNumber As Long _
A long value which represents the page number.
A double value which represents the x (horizontal) coordinate value for the image.
A double value which represents the y (vertical) coordinate value for the image.
A double value which represents the width for the image.
A double value which represents the height for the image.
PDF_ImageFitGravityBottomAlign the bottom edge of the image with the bottom edge of the destination rectangle.
PDF_ImageFitGravityLeftAlign the top edge of the image with the top edge of the destination rectangle.
PDF_ImageFitGravityRightAlign the right edge of the image with the right edge of the destination rectangle.
PDF_ImageFitGravityTopAlign the left edge of the image with the left edge of the destination rectangle.
PDF_ImageFitGrowGrow the image, if necessary, to fit within the destination rectangle.
PDF_ImageFitNoneNo fit setting.
PDF_ImageFitShrinkShrink the image, if necessary, to fit within the destination rectangle.
PDF_ImageFitStretchStretch the image to completely fill the destination rectangle without retaining the aspect ratio of the source image.
A pdfImageFitSettings enumeration value.
A string value which represents the source image filename.
A long value which represents the source image page number.
See Also

PdfDocument Object  | PdfDocument Members



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