Add Watermark to a PDF document

You can add source-based watermarks and text watermarks to a PDF. Source-based means the source of the watermark is another PDF.

To add a source-based watermark to a PDF, do the following:

  1. Create a PDFXpress object and initialize it.
  2. Create a Document object from an existing PDF file.
  3. Create a Document object from an existing PDF file to be used as the watermark source.
  4. Create a PageArtifactOptions object.
  5. Set the PageArtifactOptions:
    • ArtifactType – specifies the type of watermark, in this case SourceWatermark
    • Opacity – we set this to .5 to make the watermark translucent
    • PageList – we set this to specify to what pages the watermark will be added
    • SourceDocument – we set this to our source PDF watermark
    • SourcePageNumber – we set this to 0 to specify the first page
  6. Call AddWatermark() on the Document object to add the watermark.
  7. Create a SaveOptions object.
  8. Call Save() on the Document object to save the watermarked PDF.
C# Example
Copy Code
using System;
using Accusoft.PdfXpressSdk;
namespace PDFWatermark
    class Watermark
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (PdfXpress pdf = new PdfXpress())
                using (Document doc = new Document(pdf, "C:\\myfile.pdf"))
                    using (Document sourceDoc = new Document(pdf, "C:\\source.pdf"))
                        //create the page artifact options
                        PageArtifactOptions po = new PageArtifactOptions();
                        po.ArtifactType = TypeOfArtifact.SourceWatermark;
                        po.Opacity = .5;
                        PageRange pageRange = new PageRange();
                        pageRange.PageCount = 1;
                        pageRange.StartPageNumber = 0;
                        PageList pageList = new PageList();
                        po.PageList = pageList;
                        po.SourceDocument = sourceDoc;
                        po.SourcePageNumber = 0;                       
                        //add the watermark
                        //set the save options
                        SaveOptions so = new SaveOptions();
                        so.Filename = "C:\\watermarked.pdf";
                        so.Overwrite = true;
                        so.Linearized = true;
                        //save the document



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