Prizm Content Connect
Document Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by Document.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDocument ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyDocumentFolderGets or sets the Document folder path.  
Public PropertyDocumentIDGets the Document Name.  
Public PropertyDocumentInformationGets the document attributes.  
Public PropertyImagingServiceParametersAdditional query parameters to pass to proxy server. Optional parameter for certain unique client operations.  
Public PropertyUniqueIdentifierTagGets a unique identification string associated with the document to be used for the intermediate cached files.  
Public Methods
Public MethodBeginMakingIntermediatePagesAvailableRequests Imaging Services to generate all image pages of type extension from this document. Returns immediately and does not wait for completion of the document pages.  
Public MethodCheckDocumentforVectorContentVerifies if document can produce vector (svg) content.  
Public MethodCreateSourceDocumentWrites source stream to temp cache location. Primarily useful for two web tier solution with a front end tier communicating to a back end tier.  
Public MethodGetAttributes_DocumentContentTypeReturns string of permitted target file types for this document. Uses the newer RESTful API of the Imaging Services.  
Public MethodGetAttributes_PageCountRequest for page count. Method is the old fastPage and actualPage Imaging Services request. Should be obsoleted in subsequent versions of PCC (after 7).  
Public MethodGetAttributes_PageCountDocumentContentTypeReturns JSON string of page count, page confidence, format of document and permissible content type pages to create.  
Public MethodMakeSourceDocumentAvailableCan upload source to temp cache directory if application config file is approriately setup. Returns full file source name in any case unless upload is requested and then fails which then will cause an exception to be thrown.  
Public MethodPrepareForViewingRequest for Intermediate Page formats.  
See Also


Document Class
PccViewerServices Namespace



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