Prizm Content Connect

ProxyWebService supports following list of REST API parameters:

Basic Document Conversion Parameters


Prizm Proxy Server service REST API hostname:port. Can be used when Prizm Proxy Server REST API listens on other than default hostnameme:port.


Default = http://localhost:18680/

Values = URI where REST API listens

source Source file path.
target Target directory or target file path. If target is empty, the result is saved to the source directory.
thumbnail Specifies thumbnail image width and height (e.g., 150x200). Only used for creating thumbnails of document pages in PNG format.

Log file path. If not specified, all logging goes to a terminal.

Not supported by the Command line API.

Indicates the range of pages to be printed. Ranges are separated by semicolons.


To print all pages, beginning from 2nd: 2-

To print 1st, 3rd, and 5th page: 1;3;5

To print first 10 pages: 1-10

To print 1st, 2nd and a range from 10 to 20: 1;2;10-20

To print 2nd, and the rest from 10th: 2;10


Password that allows the user to open the PDF file. Enclose the value in double-quotes if using spaces.



openpass="Best Converter 2 PDF and SWF"


Specifies the text import filter parameters for text files (used only for .txt and .text files) as follows:




Specifies the character set for the imported text. Possible value should be according to the column Codec in the table shown here:

This value should be in UPPER case.

Example: EUC_KR


Defines the type of paragraph break for a text line. Possible values are:

CRLF – Expects a "Carriage Return" ( 0x0D) and a "Linefeed" (0x0A) character as paragraph break (0x0D0A). This option is the default.

CR – Expects a "Carriage Return" ( 0x0D) as the paragraph break.

LF - Expects a "Linefeed" (0x0A) as the paragraph break.


Specifies the font for the text. The name of the font should be the one of the fonts available on the server where Prizm service is running.

Example: Times New Roman


Specifies the value of language culture name for the text. This helps the Office Document converter to use correct language specific import filter. Complete list is shown here:

The value of this parameter is optional.


Let’s have a plain text document in Korean language written in Notepad on Windows. To convert this text into SWF, srcencoding parameter should be used on REST API call as follows:
srcencoding="EUC_KR,CRLF,Times New Roman,ko-KR"



EUC_KR is the character set encoding

CRLF is the paragraph break (Windows default)

Times New Roman is the default font used

ko-KR is the language culture name


REST API Call Examples:

java -jar c:\prizm\convert2swfclient.jar source=c:\temp\korean.txt target=c:\temp\korean.swf  srcencoding="EUC_KR,CRLF,Times New Roman,ko-KR"

totalpages Returns the number of pages in the document. Returns an accurate total number of pages, but requires more processing time.
fastpgcnt Returns the number of the pages in document based on properties (faster, but may not be accurate; use totalpages for actual page count).

Specifies the mode for converting vector documents to SWF.



0 Produces one intermediate multi-page PDF file, and one multi-page SWF file.
1 Produces one intermediate multi-page PDF file, and multiple single-page SWF files. This mode is optimized for best conversion speed and recommended for small PDF documents.
2 Produces one intermediate multi-page PDF file, and multiple single-page SWF files. This mode is optimized for best memory consumption and recommended for large PDF documents.
3 Produces multiple single-page SWF files. This mode is optimized and recommended for office documents.

Default = 0

Values = 0, 1, 2, or 3


Maximum time to wait for the conversion to be done (in seconds), used for large files. Use 0 to wait infinitely.

Default = 660

Values = 0, 1, …


This parameter can be used to generate output pages in the specified format for vector documents in addition to SVG pages.

Default = none
Values = none, png



png Enables proxy-server to generate output PNG pages for vector documents in addition to SVG pages.

Optimization Parameters


Specifies the optimization level (0, 1, 2). Each optimization level uses a different rendering algorithm for SWF and adds more compression.


Compression level


No compression for text and images. Render everything the same as in the source document. Shapes will be converted to shapes, text to text and bitmaps to bitmaps.


Text inside SWF is preserved from the original document, so it can be searched in the Flash viewer. Everything else is converted to images. Images are compressed using JPEG compression.


All texts, shapes and images are converted into single image SWF; therefore it cannot be searched in the Flash viewer. Only links are preserved. Use this option when 0 or 1 fails to convert the document to SWF in case of very complex source documents, such as PDFs containing many shapes.

Default value for this parameter can be changed by setting optimize parameter in the file.

Default = 1

Values = 0, 1, 2


Embed fonts in SWF for a better search in SWF.

Default = 1 (means fonts are embedded)

Values = 0 or 1


SWF conversion may at times result in errors. This flag forces SWF conversions even there have been some errors reported.

Default = 1 (means ignore swf errors)

Values = 0 or 1


Used when converting tiff image.

Default = a4

Values = a4, letter, original

  • a4 - resize the result pages to A4 (210 x 297 mm) (default)
  • letter - resize the result pages to Letter (8,5 x 11")
  • original - keep the original size of the pages
modulesdir Directory to be used for modules and inter-process communication. By default this directory exists in the installation directory.

Used when converting multi-page tiff images.

Default = original

Values = a4, letter, original

  • a4 - resize the result pages to A4 (210 x 297 mm)
  • letter - resize the result pages to Letter (8,5 x 11")
  • original - keep the original size of the pages
dpi For specifying depth per index ratio of output SWF and image files.

Defines the Resolution (Dots per Inch or DPI) of the output raster image when converting PDF files to a raster image, such as TIFF, PNG or JPEG. Converting a standard Letter sized PDF (8.5x11 inches) to raster image with a PDFDensity value of 300, will result in a raster image with dimensions of 2550x3300 pixels. The higher the PDF density the more detail will be visible in the raster output. As the PDFDensity value increased so does the size of the output raster file.

Default = 150 (dots per inch)

Values = 11 – 4799 (dots per inch)


This parameter has been deprecated and will be removed from the API in a future release.

The factor which will make .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx documents appear exactly the same as the original; setting fidelity as 'high' means more time is spent for conversion. Setting as 'low' means no pre-processing.

Default = high

Values = low, high


Enables the XLS pre-processing of one page per sheet. Setting 'high' means more pre-processing. Setting as 'low' mean no pre-processing.

Default = low

Values = low, high


Creates grayscale TIFF images when monochrome=1.

Default = 0 (means TIFF images have colors)

Values = 0, 1

SWF Parameters


Use 1 to open the hyperlink in the same window of the browser where the Flash viewer is located. Use 0 to open the hyperlink in the new window.

Default = 0

Values = 0 or 1

linktarget Sets the target window name of a hyperlink.

Sets the color of a hyperlink button.



RRGGBB = the color in HTML notation

TT = color transparency value (00-FF)


Use 1 to disable hyperlinks in SWF. Use 0 to enable links in SWF.

Default = 0 (means document links are enabled in Flash viewer)

Values = 0 or 1


Sets the flash version of the converted SWF (Viewer supports only 9+).

Default = 10

Values = 9, 10

Watermark Parameters


Watermark text. Adds watermark on each page.

The Watermark feature requires a full license key. It does not work with trial evaluation key.


Watermark font.

Default = Helvetica

Values = font name (or font alias) installed on the server


Watermark size in points.

Default = 130

Value = 1, 2, …


Watermark opacity. The higher the number is - more visible is the watermark text. The lower the number is - more transparent is the watermark text.

Default = 10

Values = 1 - 100

E-mail MSG and EML Parameters


Creates attachment list for E-mail MSG and EML file format when getattachments=1.

Note: the attachment file name support is limited to US-ASCII characters.

Default = 0 (means no list is created)

Values = 0, 1


Extracts attachments from E-mail MSG and EML file format when extractattachments=1.

Note: the attachment file name support is limited to US-ASCII characters.

Default = 0 (means no extraction is done)

Values = 0, 1

CSV File Import Parameters

The CSV File import is controlled by following optional parameters:

If any of the the parameters below are not specified, the default value is used.


Number of the first line to convert, the first line in the file has the number 1.

Default = 1


Field separator.

Default = ,


The text delimiter.

Default = "

Text Extraction


Using this parameter on a REST API call means, the text is extracted from the source file into the data structure. Refer to the gettextdata parameter description to see how to retrieve the extracted text data.

The text extraction feature is supported for the following file formats: Office documents (Word, Excel and PowerPoint), TXT files, and PDF files.

To get this feature working, the enterprise=3 parameter is also required.

The 'xml' part in the name of this parameter has nothing to do with the format of the data and the name of the parameter is kept for backward compatibility only.


Create text extraction data from c:\temp\Sample.doc

java -jar c:\prizm\convert2swfclient.jar source=c:\temp\Sample.doc target=c:\temp\Sample.svg enterprise=3 generatexml=1

Default = 0 (means no text data is extracted)

Values = 0, 1


Use this parameter on REST API call to retrieve the text extraction data created by the previous call of generatexml for the respective source document.

To get this feature working, also the pages=M-N parameter is required. The values M,N limits the response as follows:

  • M – means the first page of the source document
  • N – means the last page of the source document

Note M should be less or equal to N and the page counter starts from 1. The call may return empty data for the given page if the data is not available for the respective page. Returning empty data for respective page could also be caused by the fact that the enterprise=3 conversion is still in progress (in the other conversion thread) and the given page data was not extracted yet.

The response of this call depends on the target parameter:

  • If the target parameter is specified, the data is saved into the file and the response is similar to this:

{"status":"text extracted and saved as json data","converting":0}

  • If the target parameter is not specified, the text extraction data is returned as the response of the REST API call


Save text extraction data beginning from page 1 until page 3 into the c:\temp\ file
java -jar c:\prizm\convert2swfclient.jar source=c:\temp\Sample.doc target=c:\temp\ gettextdata=1 pages=1-3

Default = 0 (means no text extraction are retrieved)

Values = 0, 1

Licensing Parameters

solution Solution name.
licensekey Application license key.


Example 1

To convert sample.doc to sample.swf:


Example 2

To convert page 1 only of sample.doc to sample.swf:


Example 3

To convert pages 1,5,7 only of sample.doc to sample.swf:

http://localhost:18680/convert2SWF?source=c:\temp\sample.doc&target= c:\temp\sample.swf&pages=1,5,7

Example 4

To get total pages in sample.doc:


Example 5

To get fast page count in sample.doc:

fastpgcnt – gets total pages in the document quickly but might not be as accurate as totalpages

Example 6

To convert sample.doc to sample.swf with http_port set to 1111 and SSL enabled:


Example 7

Watermark feature requires full license key.

To convert sample.doc to sample.swf and add watermark “Confidential”:


Example 8

To create a thumbnail of page 1 of sample.doc:


Example 9

To create a thumbnail of all pages of sample.doc:


Example 10

Watermark feature requires full license key.

To create a thumbnail of page 6 of sample.doc, specify target location, and add watermark “Approved” on each thumbnail:


Example 11

To convert sample.doc to independent SWF pages and place files in a specific location:


Example 12

To convert sample.doc to independent SWF pages and place files in a source location:





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