Prizm Content Connect

The jrunner executable utility is provided for installation and set up of Prizm Proxy Server services. It acts as a wrapper for the Java Runtime Environment in which Prizm Proxy Server runs. The jrunner.exe requires as arguments. The utility is located in <prizm-install>\bin directory. The user does not need to call jrunner.exe directly on command line. Administrating scripts can be used for easy maintenance of the Prizm Service. The scripts are located in <prizm-install>\scripts directory.

The following table shows the batch file name and purpose of the script:

Batch file name Script purpose
batchjob.bat Sample batch demonstrating the bulk conversion of the documents located in some folder.
console.cmd Starts Prizm Proxy Server Service in console window.
install-service.cmd Installs Prizm Proxy Server Service as Windows service.
remove-service.cmd Removes Prizm Proxy Server Service from Windows services.
start-service.cmd Starts Prizm Proxy Server Service as Windows service.
stop-service.cmd Stops Prizm Proxy Server Service as Windows service.



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