Prizm Content Connect

How Does Prizm Content Connect Plus Work?

The Prizm Content Connect AJAX based client uses a combination of Flex, Flash, and AJAX technology to render documents.

Detailed steps that show how the Viewer works:

  1. A request is sent from the client browser to view a document along. Start page and document viewing options may also be included.
  2. Server returns a .swf or .png file.
  3. Viewer makes an AJAX call for Fast Page Count in Document.
  4. Viewer then makes an AJAX call for Actual Total Page Count in Document.
  5. Fast Page Count of document is calculated on server.
  6. Server returns Fast Page Count of Document.
  7. Total Page Count of document is calculated on server and returned asynchronously. (Fast Page is calculated synchronously to reach step 8 quickly.)
  8. Viewer makes an AJAX call for page n of the document.
  9. Conversion File gets the document name and page number and converts page in the document.
  10. Conversion File returns the generated file in a stream for viewer to display.
  11. Viewer makes an AJAX call for next page of the document.

The following diagram shows steps 1-11 above:



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