Prizm Content Connect


The following are APIs for checking the health status of the PAS service, as well as checking whether it is properly configured to connect with a Prizm back-end service.

Note that these routes do not have route keys, as they cannot be re-routed.

GET /health

A check to determine if the service is up and running.

GET http://localhost:3000/health

Successful Response:

200 OK

There are no error states for this request. If the request times out or the connection is refused, then the service is not running or reachable.

GET /servicesConnection

Returns the status of the PAS connectivity to a PRizm back-end service, whether local or configured through ACS.

Successful Response:

200 OK

Note that this response represents that the connection to the back-end service is successful, and does not take into account whether those services are healthy. If you need to check the health of those services, please make a call to them directly.

Errored Responses:


This response represents that PAS is not properly configured to communicate with a Prizm back-end service.



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