Accusoft.OCRXpress.nodejs - Updated
User Guide > Getting Started > Samples

All code samples are located in the "samples" sub-folder for the OCR node module in the current directory. For example, the basic sample is located in the ./node_modules/ocr/samples/basic/ folder. All of the samples are simple to run command line programs.

Please refer to the "How to Build and Run Samples" section below for help getting started with building the samples.

OCR Xpress for Node.js has the following samples to get you started:

Name Description
Basic Recognizes the text in an image and outputs the result to a file.
Memory Recognizes the text in an image, outputs the result to an in-memory structure, and retrieves data from that structure.
Multi-page Recognizes the text in multiple images and outputs the results to a multi-page file.

How to Build and Run Samples

Using Command Line Tools

  1. Navigate to the sample folder. For example, for the basic sample use the following command:
    Copy Code
    cd ./node_modules/ocr/samples/basic
  2. In the sample folder run the following command
    Copy Code
    node basic.js