ToolbarDefaults Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by ToolbarDefaults.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorToolbarDefaults ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ToolbarDefaults class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBlockHighlightToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the block highlight tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyButtonToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the button tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyEllipseToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the ellipse tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyFreehandToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the freehand tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyImageToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the image tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyLineToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the line tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyNoteToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the note tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyPolygonToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the polygon tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyPolyLineToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the polyline tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyProtractorToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the protractor tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyRectangleToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the rectangle tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyRulerToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the ruler tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyStampToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the toolbars stamp tool.  
Public PropertyTextToolbarDefaultsGets and sets the default settings of the text tool for the toolbar.  
Public PropertyToolbarActivatedGets and sets whether the NotateXpress toolbar is available for use.  
Public PropertyToolbarHeightGets and sets the height of the toolbar.  
Public PropertyToolbarIconSizeGets and sets the toolbar icon size.  
Public PropertyToolbarWidthGets and sets the width of the toolbar.  
Public PropertyToolbarWindowHandleGets the window handle of the toolbar.  
Public Methods
Public MethodGetToolTipGets the tooltip for the specified tool on the toolbar.  
Public MethodSetToolTipSets the given tooltip for the given tool on the toolbar.  
See Also


ToolbarDefaults Class
Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk Namespace



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