Class | Description | |
AnnotationAddedEventArgs | Contains data for NotateXpress.AnnotationAdded events. | |
AnnotationDeletedEventArgs | Contains event data for NotateXpress.AnnotationDeleted events. | |
AnnotationMovedEventArgs | Contains event data for AnnotationMoved events. | |
AnnotationsChangedEventArgs | Contains event data for the AnnotationsChanged event. | |
AnnotationSelectedEventArgs | Contains event data for AnnotationSelected events. | |
BaseToolbarDefaults | Base class for the Toolbar classes. | |
BlockHighlightTool | This class is used to create BlockHighlight annotations. | |
BlockHighlightToolbarDefaults | This class is used to create BlockHighlight annotations. | |
BrandingException | Exception class that is raise when branding errors occur. | |
BrandingSourceDibException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors that occur with branding the source DIB (Device Independent Bitmap). | |
ButtonTool | The ButtonTool is used to create button annotations, which behave and respond like form buttons. | |
ButtonToolbarDefaults | This class is used to create Button annotations. | |
ClickEventArgs | Raises when an annotation object is clicked in Interactive Mode. | |
ClipboardException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with the clipboard. | |
ContextMenuEventArgs | Contains data for ContextMenu events. | |
CurrentLayerChangeEventArgs | Contains event data for NotateXpress.CurrentLayerChange events. | |
DoubleClickEventArgs | Contains event data for DoubleClick events in Interactive Mode. | |
DroppedEventArgs | Contains event data for Dropped events.
This will be fired for unsupported XFDF annotations, such as sound and file attachment annotations | |
DuplicateItemException | Exception class which is raised when there are duplicate items. | |
DuplicateMenuIdException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with duplicate menu IDs. | |
Element | This class defines attributes of NotateXpress element objects. | |
ElementCollection | The base class that manages selected elements in a collection. | |
EllipseTool | This class is used to create ellipse annotations. | |
EllipseToolbarDefaults | Implements the default toolbar values used to create Ellipse annotations. | |
FileOpenException | Exception class raised when there are errors opening files. | |
FileSecurityException | Exception class raised when the filename path or extension are not secure. | |
FileWriteException | Exception class raised when there are errors writing to files. | |
FreeHandTool | This class is used to create line annotations freely drawn by the user, which can have two or more points. | |
FreehandToolbarDefaults | This class implements the default toolbar values for the Freehand annotations. | |
GetLayerPasswordEventArgs | Contains event data for the GetLayerPassword events. | |
Group | This class defines attributes of a group of elements for annotation. | |
GroupCollection | This class manages groups in the collection. | |
GroupCreationException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with groups. | |
GroupElementCollection | This class is used as a collection to manage elements in groups. | |
GroupSelectedEventArgs | Contains event data for GroupSelected events. | |
ImageTool | The ImageTool class is used to create image annotations, which display images. | |
ImageToolbarDefaults | The ImageToolDefaults class is the default class used to create Image annotations. | |
InvalidAnnotationFileException | Exception class raised when there are errors with the annotation files. | |
InvalidAttributeException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with attributes. | |
InvalidColorTypeException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with color types. | |
InvalidContextException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with context. | |
InvalidContextIdException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with context IDs. | |
InvalidCursorTypeException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with cursor types. | |
InvalidErrorLevelException | This class implements exceptions for error levels. | |
InvalidFontException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with fonts. | |
InvalidGroupException | Exception class which is raised when there are invalid groups. | |
InvalidHatchStyleException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with hatch styles. | |
InvalidItemException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with elements. | |
InvalidLayerException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with layers. | |
InvalidModeException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with modes. | |
InvalidParameterException | This class implements exceptions for invalid parameters. | |
InvalidPasswordException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with passwords. | |
InvalidPointException | Exception class which is raised when there are invalid point errors. | |
InvalidTiffAnnTypeException | Exception class which is raised when there are TIFF annotation type errors. | |
InvalidToolException | Exception class raised when there is an error with a tool. | |
InvalidVariantException | Exception class which is raised when a variant is not allowed. | |
InvalidWangTypeException | Exception class which is raised when there are Wang type not allowed errors. | |
InvalidWindowHandleException | Exception class raised when a passed in window handle is not valid. | |
ItemChangedEventArgs | Contains event data for NotateXpress.ItemChanged events. | |
ItemNotFoundException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors with elements not found. | |
Layer | The Layer class contains attributes for elements, groups and toolbars. | |
LayerCollection | The LayerCollection class manages layers. | |
LayerRestoredEventArgs | Contains event data for LayerRestored events. | |
LineTool | The LineTool class is used to create single-line annotations with 2 points. | |
LineToolbarDefaults | The LineTool is used to create Line annotations. | |
LoadOptions | This class provides options when loading in annotations. | |
MappingInputEventArgs | Contains event data for MappingInput events. | |
MappingOutputEventArgs | Contains event data for MappingOutput events. | |
MenuEventArgs | Contains data for menu events. | |
MouseDownEventArgs | Contains event data for MouseDown events in Interactive Mode. | |
MouseMoveEventArgs | Contains event data for MouseMove events in Interactive Mode. | |
MouseUpEventArgs | Contains event data for MouseUp events in Interactive mode. | |
NoCurrentLayerException | Exception class raised when there is an error with the current layer, or no current layer was created. | |
NoSelectionException | Exception class which is raised when there is a no found selection error. | |
NotateXpress | The main class of NotateXpress which manages layers and toolbars. | |
NotateXpressException | Error class of exceptions raised or returned by the NotateXpress class. | |
NoteTool | This class implements objects used to create Note annotations, which can edit and display text when double clicked. | |
NoteToolbarDefaults | This class implements methods and properties used to create note annotations. | |
NotSupportedException | Exception class which is raised when an object is not supported and an error is returned by NotateXpress properties and methods. | |
ObjectNotConnectedException | This class implements exceptions for object not connected errors. | |
OutOfMemoryException | Exception class which is raised when there are memory limit errors. | |
PageNotFoundException | Exception class raised when the current PageNumber is not found in the annotation file being loaded. | |
PolygonTool | This class is used to create polygon shaped annotations. | |
PolygonToolbarDefaults | The PolygonTool is used to create Polygon annotations. | |
PolyLineTool | This class implements methods and properties used to create line annotations with two or more points. | |
PolyLineToolbarDefaults | This class implements methods and properties used to create PolyLine annotations. | |
ProtractorTool | This class implements methods and properties used to create protractor annotations. | |
ProtractorToolbarDefaults | This class implements methods and properties used to create defaults for the protractor annotations. | |
RectangleTool | This class implements methods and properties used to create rectangle annotations. | |
RectangleToolbarDefaults | This class implements methods and properties used to set up defaults for the Rectangle annotations. | |
RulerTool | This class implements methods and properties used to create ruler annotations. | |
RulerToolbarDefaults | This class implements methods and properties used to create defaults for the Ruler annotations. | |
SaveFileOneLayerException | This class implements exceptions when saving a file on one layer. | |
SaveOptions | This class implements methods and properties for controlling how the annotations are saved. | |
StampTool | This class implements methods and properties used to create stamp annotations. | |
StampToolbarDefaults | This class implements methods and properties used to create stamp annotations. | |
StorageStreamException | Exception class which is raised when there are storage errors. | |
TextEditEndEventArgs | Contains event data for TexteditEnd events. | |
TextEditStartEventArgs | Contains event data for TextEditStart events. | |
TextTool | This class implements properties used to create text annotations, which display text with an optional background, border, text, text colors, fills, pen colors and pen widths. | |
TextToolbarDefaults | This class implements properties used to create defaults for Text annotations. | |
TmsAnnotationBadActivateCodeException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation activation flag is invalid. | |
TmsAnnotationBadAlignmentException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation alignment field is invalid. | |
TmsAnnotationBadArrowsException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation arrows field is invalid. | |
TmsAnnotationBadBorderStyleException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation border style field is invalid. | |
TmsAnnotationBadColorMapFlagException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation color mapping flag is invalid. | |
TmsAnnotationBadCoordinateException | Exception class raised when there are invalid TMS annotation coordinates. | |
TmsAnnotationBadDirectionException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation line direction field is invalid. | |
TmsAnnotationBadHeaderException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation header record is illegally formed. | |
TmsAnnotationBadRecordException | Exception class raised when all of the TMS annotation fields are not specified or a required field has no data. | |
TmsAnnotationBadRedactionFlagException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation redaction flag is invalid. | |
TmsAnnotationBadTransparentFlagException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation transparency flag is invalid. | |
TmsAnnotationBadVersionException | Exception class raised when the TMS annotation version is not supported. | |
Toolbar | This class implements methods and properties used to control the Toolbar. | |
ToolbarDefaults | This class implements methods and properties used to control the defaults for the built in NotateXpress Toolbar | |
ToolbarEventArgs | Contains event data for Toolbar events. | |
ToolbarOpenEventArgs | Contains event data for Toolbar Opend events.
This will be fired when the toolbar is opened | |
UnableLoadAnnotationDllException | Base exception class raised when unable to load assembly dll. | |
UnableToCreateStorageException | Exception class which is raised when there are errors creating storage. | |
UserDrawEventArgs | Contains event data for UserDraw events. | |
UserGroupCreatedEventArgs | Contains event data for NotateXpress.UserGroupCreated events. | |
UserGroupDestroyedEventArgs | Contains event data for NotateXpress.UserGroupDestroyed events. | |
XmlFatalException | Exception class raised when there is a fatal XML error. | |
XmlGeneralException | Exception class raised when there is a general XML error. | |
XmlInvalidHeaderException | Exception class raised when the XML file header is invalid. | |
XmlInvalidPageDataException | Exception class raised when there is invalid XML page data. |
Delegate | Description | |
NotateXpress.AnnotationAddedEventHandler | Fires when an annotation has been added. | |
NotateXpress.AnnotationDeletedEventHandler | Fires when an annotation has been deleted. | |
NotateXpress.AnnotationEndSelectedEventHandler | Fires when no annotations are selected. | |
NotateXpress.AnnotationMovedEventHandler | Fires when an annotation has been moved. | |
NotateXpress.AnnotationsChangedEventHandler | Raises when an annotation has changed: an annotation is added, moved, deleted, grouped, or changed in any other way (e.g., attributes changed: size, color, text, image). This event won't be raised if the context menu is opened, annotations are selected, etc. | |
NotateXpress.AnnotationSelectedEventHandler | Fires when an annotation has been selected. | |
NotateXpress.ClickEventHandler | Raises when an annotation object is clicked in Interactive Mode. | |
NotateXpress.ContextMenuEventHandler | Contains event data for ContextMenu events when the NotateXpress Menu is turned off in Edit Mode. | |
NotateXpress.CurrentLayerChangeEventHandler | The CurrentLayerChange Event is fired whenever the current layer changes. | |
NotateXpress.DoubleClickEventHandler | Raises when an annotation object is double clicked in Interactive Mode. | |
NotateXpress.DroppedEventHandler | Fires when xfdf annotations that are not supported by NotateXpress are read in. | |
NotateXpress.GetLayerPasswordEventHandler | The RequestLayerPassword event is sent during the loading of an annotation file for all layers that were saved with a password. | |
NotateXpress.GroupDeselectedEventHandler | Fired when an annotation group is unselected | |
NotateXpress.GroupSelectedEventHandler | Fired when an annotation group is selected | |
NotateXpress.ItemChangedEventHandler | The ItemChanged event is sent when an annotation object changes. When an object is moved or resized by the user, an AnnotationMoved is fired. | |
NotateXpress.LayerRestoredEventHandler | The LayerRestored Event is fired for each layer restored during the loading of a previously saved annotation file. | |
NotateXpress.MappingInputEventHandler | This event is for an advanced user who wants to change how NotateXpress does its coordinate conversions. | |
NotateXpress.MappingOutputEventHandler | This event is for an advanced user who wants to change how NotateXpress does its coordinate conversions. | |
NotateXpress.MenuEventHandler | The MenuSelect event is fired when a user chooses any of the items on the NotateXpress context menu while over an annotation or on the toolbar. | |
NotateXpress.MouseDownEventHandler | Raises when an annotation object receives a MouseDown event in Interactive Mode. | |
NotateXpress.MouseMoveEventHandler | Raises when the mouse is moved over an annotation object in Interactive Mode. | |
NotateXpress.MouseUpEventHandler | Raises when an annotation object receives a MouseUp event in Interactive Mode. | |
NotateXpress.StampingEventHandler | The Stamping event is sent immediately before each stamp tool use, providing an opportunity to change the stamp text of the annotation object before it is added. | |
NotateXpress.TextEditEndEventHandler | Fired when text editing has ended. Editing is now disabled | |
NotateXpress.TextEditStartEventHandler | Fired when The user has double-clicked a text item and editing is now enabled. | |
NotateXpress.ToolbarCloseEventHandler | The ToolbarClose event is fired when the toolbar is closed. | |
NotateXpress.ToolbarEventHandler | The ToolbarSelect event is fired when a selection changes for the current tool on the toolbar. | |
NotateXpress.ToolbarOpenEventHandler | The ToolbarOpen event is fired when the toolbar is opened. | |
NotateXpress.UserDrawEventHandler | The UserDraw event is raised for a Rectangle object during its paint when the Rectangle’s UserDraw attribute is True. | |
NotateXpress.UserGroupCreatedEventHandler | The UserGroupCreated event is sent when a user creates a new group by selecting multiple objects and then pressing Ctrl-G. | |
NotateXpress.UserGroupDestroyedEventHandler | The UserGroupDestroyed event is sent when a user destroys a selected group by pressing Ctrl-U. |
Enumeration | Description | |
AngleUnit | Specifies the unit of angular measure used with an instance of the ProtractorTool. | |
AnnotationMode | Contains constants for use with the NotateXpress.InteractMode property. | |
AnnotationTool | Contains which tools are used with the ToolbarEvents and MenuEvent arguments. | |
AnnotationType | Option values which determine the type of annotations that NotateXpress can process. | |
AutoSize | Contains options for how to bound annotations. | |
BackStyle | Contains constants for use with the BackStyle properties. | |
CursorSelection | The types of cursors to use in selecting elements. | |
DebugErrorLevelInfo | The amount of error information to write to the NotateXpress.DebugLogFile. | |
EndPointStyle | Contains options for how the end of a line should display. | |
ErrorLevelInfo | The amount of error information to write to the NotateXpress.DebugLogFile. | |
FontScaling | Specifies how fonts are scaled with the NotateXpress.FontScaling property. | |
HatchStyle | Contains constants for use with the HatchStyle properties. | |
LineScaling | Specifies how lines are scaled with the NotateXpress.LineScaling property. | |
Mapping | Contains constants for use with the SaveOptions.Mapping property. | |
MeasurementUnit | Specifies the unit of length used with an instance of the RulerTool. | |
MenuType | Contains options for which menu to use. | |
NotateTrait | Contains options for changing the NotateXpress.OnItemChanged event annotation attribute. | |
PenFillStyle | Contains options for how the background should displayed for annotations. | |
PenStyle | Contains constants for use with the PenStyle properties.
These only affect PenWidths of 1 | |
SubMenuId | Contains options for how to access the built-in submenus. | |
TextJustification | Contains options for the text alignment. | |
TextOrientation | Contains options for the orientation of the text. | |
ToolbarIconSize | Option values which determine the size of icons displayed in the toolbar. | |
TopMenuId | Contains options for how to access the built-in menus. | |
WangType | Contains options for use with the WangType property. |