Retrieve Annotations from .NXP

Specify Load Options

Prior to loading the annotations, first specify LoadOptions to provide specific loading instructions. Set the AnnType to NotateXpress™ to retrieve annotations from a .nxp file.  

Retrieve from a Disk File

Use the LayerCollection.FromFile method to retrieve the layer collection from an annotation file.  

NXP annotations files on disk can only be read if they were originally created using SaveToFile().  If they were created using SaveToByteArray() or SaveToMemoryStream(), they cannot be read correctly from disk.

Retrieve from a Byte Array

Use the LayerCollection.FromByteArray to save annotations from a byte array to a specified layer. 

Retrieve from a Memory Stream

Use the LayerCollection.FromMemoryStream to retrieve annotations from a memory stream.

Retrieve from a Layer Collection

A layer collection can also be copied from another layer collection. 

Retrieve Password Protected Layers

When an application end user opens an annotation file that includes encrypted layers, a NotateXpress.RequestLayerPassword event invokes to request the password for each encrypted layer. The user supplies a password through an application defined dialog. If the correct password is supplied by the application end-user, the layer decrypts and is available for viewing. If an incorrect or null password is supplied, the layer discards from memory (the layer still exists in the file, but may be subsequently overwritten). 



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