User Interaction

There are numerous ways that NotateXpress™ can work with a user. These are the more general ways to control user interaction.

Copy Copies the currently selected annotation elements to the clipboard, making them available to be pasted.
CopyLayer Copies the specified layer to the clipboard.
Cut Copies the currently selected annotation elements in the current layer to the clipboard and then deletes the elements.
DeleteSelected Deletes all currently selected elements in the current layer.
ForceAllUpdate Synchronizes all NotateXpress controls to the current NotateXpress data, when multiple ImagXpress controls are pointed to the same buffer.
GetUseCursorType Gets the value of whether a distinctive cursor will be used for a specific type of operation (creating, moving, or selecting objects).
GetUseCustomCursorType Gets the handle that the user passed in during SetUseCustomCursorType for using custom cursors.
Paste Pastes the available annotation elements into the current layer from the clipboard.
PasteLayer Pastes a layer from the clipboard.
PrgDeleteAll Deletes all annotation elements for the specific layer and sets the current Tool to the PointerTool.
PrgSelectAll Selects or deselects all annotation elements for the specific layer.
SetUseCursorType Sets the value of whether a distinctive cursor will be used for a specific type of operation (creating, moving, or selecting objects).
SetUseCustomCursorType Sets the handle for using custom cursors.
UserColorSelect Displays the standard system color dialog to allow the user to select a color for a specific tool's attribute.
UserFontSelect Displays the standard system font dialog to allow the user to select a font.
UserItemColorSelect Displays the standard system color dialog to allow the user to select a new color for the element specified.
UserItemFontSelect Displays the standard system font dialog to allow the user to select a font for the element specified.
AllowPaint Gets and sets if annotations will be painted (rendered to the display).
AllowUserGrouping Gets and sets if users can create and destroy groups via keyboard commands.
FontScaling Gets and sets how a font is scaled relative to an images vertical resolution DPI (dots per inch).
InteractMode Gets and sets the interactive state of the annotations.
IsElementPasteAvailable Gets if there are annotation elements available on the clipboard.
IsLayerPasteAvailable Gets if there is a layer available on the clipboard.
IsSelection Gets if there are elements selected in the current layer.
LineScaling Gets and sets how a line is scaled relative to an images vertical resolution DPI (dots per inch).
MLECompatible Gets and sets if text editing uses a standard multi-line edit control.
NoteIcon Gets and sets a handle to a custom icon associated with the Notetool.
NXPEditors Gets and sets if NotateXpress will use the default text editors.
RaiseExceptions Gets and sets if errors are raised as exceptions.
RecalibrateXDPI Gets and sets the X DPI (Dots per inch) that overrides the DPI value received from the file.
RecalibrateYDPI Gets and sets the Y DPI (Dots per inch) that overrides the DPI value received from the file.
TextToolArrows Gets and sets if arrows should be shown on the TextTool when there is more text than what can be displayed.
ToolTipTimeEdit Gets and sets the tool tip time for elements in edit mode.
ToolTipTimeInteractive Gets and sets the tool tip time for elements in interactive mode.
UnicodeMode Gets and sets if Unicode characters are needed.
UpdatePaint Gets and sets if annotations will paint.
Visible Gets and sets the visibility of the current layer.
Click Raised when an annotation element is clicked in Interactive Mode.
CurrentLayerChange Raised when the current layer changes.
DoubleClick Raised when an annotation element is double clicked in Interactive Mode.
MouseDown Raised when an annotation element receives a MouseDown event in Interactive Mode.
MouseMove Raised when the mouse is moved over an annotation element in Interactive Mode.
MouseUp Raised when an annotation element receives a MouseUp event in Interactive Mode.
Stamping Raised when the stamp tool is being used and just before the stamp is displayed.


See Also



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