GrpAddItem |
Adds the annotation element that resides on the specified layer to the specified group. |
GrpAddSelected |
Adds all of the currently selected annotation elements on the specified layer to the specified group. |
GrpAddType |
Adds all annotation elements of the specified annotation type to the specified group. |
GrpCreateGroup |
Creates an empty annotation group. |
GrpDestroyGroup |
Destroys the specified group. |
GrpGetFirstGroupID |
Gets the group ID of the first group in an enumeration sequence of groups associated with the specified layer. |
GrpGetFirstItem |
Gets the sequence number of the first annotation element in an enumeration sequence of annotation elements in the specified group. |
GrpGetItemCount |
Gets the number of annotation elements in the specified annotation group. |
GrpGetName |
Gets the name for the specified group. |
GrpGetNextGroupID |
Gets the group ID of the next group in an enumeration sequence of groups associated with the specified layer. |
GrpGetNextItem |
Gets the sequence number of the next annotation element in an enumeration sequence of annotation elements in the specified group. |
GrpGetRect |
Gets the bounding rectangle for the specified group. |
GrpGetSelected |
Gets the selected attribute for the specified group. |
GrpGetUserLong |
Gets a long that the application may associate for the specified group. |
GrpGetUserString |
Gets a string that the application may associate for the specified group. |
GrpGetYoked |
Gets the yoked attribute for the specified group. |
GrpGroupIDFromName |
Gets the GroupID for the specified group name. |
GrpInvert |
Invert the arrangement of all annotation elements in the specified yoked annotation group. |
GrpMirror |
Mirror the arrangement of all annotation elements for the specified yoked annotation group. |
GrpRemoveAll |
Remove all annotation elements for the specified annotation group. |
GrpRemoveItem |
Removes the specified annotation element for the specified annotation group. |
GrpRemoveType |
Removes all elements of the specified annotation type for the specified group. |
GrpSetAttribute |
Sets the given attribute value to all members of the specified group that share the attribute. |
GrpSetName |
Sets the user defined name for the specified annotation group. |
GrpSetRect |
Sets the bounding rectangle for the specified group. |
GrpSetSelected |
Sets the selected attribute for the specified group. |
GrpSetUserLong |
Sets a long that the application may associate for the specified group. |
GrpSetUserString |
Sets a string that the application may associate for the specified group. |
GrpSetYoked |
Sets the yoked attribute of the given group. |
GrpUserDataAdd |
Adds user data to a specific group. |
GrpUserDataDelete |
Deletes user data from a specific group. |
GrpUserDataFind |
Finds user data from the specified group using the provided key. |
GrpUserDataFindFirst |
Finds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific group. |
GrpUserDataFindNext |
Finds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific group. |
PrgGetGroupCount |
Get the number of groups for the specific layer. |
AllowUserGrouping |
Gets and sets if users can create and destroy groups via keyboard commands. |
UserGroupCreated |
Raised when a user creates a new group by selecting multiple objects and then pressing Ctrl-G. |
UserGroupDestroyed |
Raised when the user destroys a selected group by pressing Ctrl-U. |