AccusoftNotateXpress13 ActiveX DLL > NotateXpress Object : UserColorSelect Method |
Visual Basic |
Public Function UserColorSelect( _ ByVal layerHandle As Long, _ ByVal Tool As NX_AnnotationTool, _ ByVal ColorType As NX_AnnotationAttribute, _ ByVal hWndOwner As Long _ ) As Boolean |
Value | Description |
NX_BlockHighlightTool | (&H100C) - BlockHighlight tool. |
NX_ButtonTool | (&H100A) - Button tool. |
NX_EllipseTool | (&H1003) - Ellipse tool. |
NX_FreehandTool | (&H1007) - Freehand Tool. |
NX_ImageTool | (&H1009) - Image tool. |
NX_LineTool | (&H1006) - Line Tool. |
NX_NoteTool | (&H100D) - Note tool. |
NX_NoTool | (&H0000) - Disables annotation. |
NX_PointerTool | (&H1000) - Selection tool. |
NX_PolygonTool | (&H1004) - Polygon Tool. |
NX_PolyLineTool | (&H1005) - PolyLine Tool. |
NX_ProtractorTool | Protractor |
NX_RectangleTool | (&H1002) - Rectangle tool. |
NX_RulerTool | (&H100B) - Ruler tool. |
NX_StampTool | (&H1008) - Stamp tool. |
NX_TextTool | (&H1001) - Text tool. |
Value | Description |
NX_AutoSize | The AutoSize attribute controls how the bounding box is sized for text. |
NX_BackColor | The background color. |
NX_BackStyle | The background style can be transparent, opaque, or translucent. |
NX_BeginPtStyle | The beginning point style for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools. |
NX_BevelLightColor | The bevel light color of a button. |
NX_BevelShadowColor | The bevel shadow color of a button. |
NX_BoundingRect | The bounding rectangle. |
NX_Centimeters | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_CreateTime | The time created. |
NX_Decimeters | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_Degrees | internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_Dekameters | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_DibPtr | The handle to a Device Independent Bitmap. |
NX_ElementType | The element type controls what annotation the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc. |
NX_EnableContextMenu | The EnableContextMenu attribute controls if the right click menu is turned on. |
NX_EndPtStyle | The ending point style for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools. |
NX_Feet | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_FillColor | The fill color. |
NX_Fixed | The fixed attribute controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image. |
NX_FontScaling | The FontScaling attribute controls how a font is scaled relative to an images vertical resolution DPI. |
NX_HatchColor | The hatch color. |
NX_HatchStyle | The hatch style. |
NX_HighlightBack | The highlight background. NX_BackStyle is the replacement. |
NX_HighlightFill | The highlight fill. NX_BackStyle is the replacement. |
NX_Inches | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_InteractMode | The interactive state of the annotations. |
NX_Kilometers | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_LineScaling | The LineScaling attribute controls how a line is scaled relative to an images vertical resolution DPI. |
NX_LoadAnnotations | The LoadAnnotations attribute controls if annotations are loaded from a TIFF file. |
NX_Locked | The Locked attribute is the ability for the user to move or select the annotations. |
NX_Logfont | The font. |
NX_MeasureChoice | The unit of measure displayed for a ruler. |
NX_Meters | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_MicroMeters | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_Miles | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_Millimeters | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_MLECompatible | The MLECompatible attribute controls if text editing uses a standard multi-line edit control. |
NX_Moveable | The Moveable attribute is the ability for the user to move the annotations. |
NX_NoteIcon | The custom icon associated with the Notetool. |
NX_NumPoints | The number of points. |
NX_NXPEditors | The NXPEditors attribute controls if NotateXpress will use the default text editors. |
NX_PageNumber | The page number in a multi page XML file. |
NX_PenColor | The pen color. |
NX_PenFillStyle | The pen fill style can be transparent, opaque, or translucent. |
NX_PenStyle | The pen style is how the pen draws single pixel lines such as solid, dashed, dotted, and related designs. |
NX_PenWidth | The pen width. |
NX_Pixels | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_Radians | internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_RecalibrateXDPI | The X DPI (Dots per inch) that overrides the DPI value received from the file. |
NX_RecalibrateYDPI | The Y DPI (Dots per inch) that overrides the DPI value received from the file. |
NX_SaveAnnotations | The SaveAnnotations attribute controls if annotations are saved into a TIFF file. |
NX_ScrollBars | This does not perform any action. It will be removed from the interface in a future version. |
NX_Selected | The Selected attribute marks an element as selected. |
NX_ShowAbbr | The ability to show the abbreviations for a unit of measure for a ruler. |
NX_ShowAngle | Angle |
NX_ShowGauge | The ability to show the gauge for a ruler. |
NX_ShowHandles | The ShowHandles attribute determines whether or not selection handles are displayed on an element when it is selected. |
NX_ShowLength | The ability to show the length for a ruler. |
NX_Sizeable | The Sizeable attribute is the ability for the user to interactively size an annotation. |
NX_Text | The text. |
NX_TextColor | The text color. |
NX_TextJustification | The text justification. |
NX_TextLocked | The text is can not be changed. |
NX_TextOrientation | The text orientation of a stamp or text annotation element determines the text display orientation. |
NX_TextToolArrows | The ability to show arrows on the TextTool when there is more text than what can be displayed. |
NX_TMS_Note | The TMS_Note controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format. |
NX_ToolTipText | The tool tip text for an element. |
NX_ToolTipTimeEdit | The tool tip time in edit mode. |
NX_ToolTipTimeInteractive | The tool tip time in interactive mode. |
NX_ToolType | The tool type controls what annotation the element is already such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc. |
NX_TransparentColor | The transparent color is the color in the image that will show through to what is underneath the object. |
NX_Twips | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_UnicodeMode | The ability to handle Unicode characters. |
NX_UserDraw | The UserDraw attribute is if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself. |
NX_Visible | The visibility of an annotation. |
NX_Yards | The internal attribute for measurement. Do not use. |
NX_ZOrder | The bottom to top display of annotations. |
True if user selected new color
False if canceled or an error