Accusoft NotateXpress 13
PrgGetItemColor Method
The handle of a layer returned by the CreateLayer method.
The handle of an element returned by the ElementAppend method.
Gets the color of an attribute for the specific element for the specific layer.
Visual Basic
Public Function PrgGetItemColor( _
   ByVal layerHandle As Long, _
   ByVal seqNum As Long, _
   ByVal Attribute As NX_AnnotationAttribute _
The handle of a layer returned by the CreateLayer method.
The handle of an element returned by the ElementAppend method.
NX_AutoSizeThe AutoSize attribute controls how the bounding box is sized for text.
NX_BackColorThe background color.
NX_BackStyleThe background style can be transparent, opaque, or translucent.
NX_BeginPtStyleThe beginning point style for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
NX_BevelLightColorThe bevel light color of a button.
NX_BevelShadowColorThe bevel shadow color of a button.
NX_BoundingRectThe bounding rectangle.
NX_CentimetersThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_CreateTimeThe time created.
NX_DecimetersThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_Degreesinternal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_DekametersThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_DibPtrThe handle to a Device Independent Bitmap.
NX_ElementTypeThe element type controls what annotation the element will turn into such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc.
NX_EnableContextMenuThe EnableContextMenu attribute controls if the right click menu is turned on.
NX_EndPtStyleThe ending point style for arrowheads and related designs on the beginning of line based tools.
NX_FeetThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_FillColorThe fill color.
NX_FixedThe fixed attribute controls if the annotation is locked to the ImagXpress control instead of the image.
NX_FontScalingThe FontScaling attribute controls how a font is scaled relative to an images vertical resolution DPI.
NX_HatchColorThe hatch color.
NX_HatchStyleThe hatch style.
NX_HighlightBackThe highlight background.  NX_BackStyle is the replacement.
NX_HighlightFillThe highlight fill.  NX_BackStyle is the replacement.
NX_InchesThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_InteractModeThe interactive state of the annotations.
NX_KilometersThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_LineScalingThe LineScaling attribute controls how a line is scaled relative to an images vertical resolution DPI.
NX_LoadAnnotationsThe LoadAnnotations attribute controls if annotations are loaded from a TIFF file.
NX_LockedThe Locked attribute is the ability for the user to move or select the annotations.
NX_LogfontThe font.
NX_MeasureChoiceThe unit of measure displayed for a ruler.
NX_MetersThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_MicroMetersThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_MilesThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_MillimetersThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_MLECompatibleThe MLECompatible attribute controls if text editing uses a standard multi-line edit control.
NX_MoveableThe Moveable attribute is the ability for the user to move the annotations.
NX_NoteIconThe custom icon associated with the Notetool.
NX_NumPointsThe number of points.
NX_NXPEditorsThe NXPEditors attribute controls if NotateXpress will use the default text editors.
NX_PageNumberThe page number in a multi page XML file.
NX_PenColorThe pen color.
NX_PenFillStyleThe pen fill style can be transparent, opaque, or translucent.
NX_PenStyleThe pen style is how the pen draws single pixel lines such as solid, dashed, dotted, and related designs.
NX_PenWidthThe pen width.
NX_PixelsThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_Radiansinternal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_RecalibrateXDPIThe X DPI (Dots per inch) that overrides the DPI value received from the file.
NX_RecalibrateYDPIThe Y DPI (Dots per inch) that overrides the DPI value received from the file.
NX_SaveAnnotationsThe SaveAnnotations attribute controls if annotations are saved into a TIFF file.
NX_ScrollBarsThis does not perform any action.  It will be removed from the interface in a future version.
NX_SelectedThe Selected attribute marks an element as selected.
NX_ShowAbbrThe ability to show the abbreviations for a unit of measure for a ruler.
NX_ShowGaugeThe ability to show the gauge for a ruler.
NX_ShowHandlesThe ShowHandles attribute determines whether or not selection handles are displayed on an element when it is selected.
NX_ShowLengthThe ability to show the length for a ruler.
NX_SizeableThe Sizeable attribute is the ability for the user to interactively size an annotation.
NX_TextThe text.
NX_TextColorThe text color.
NX_TextJustificationThe text justification.
NX_TextLockedThe text is can not be changed.
NX_TextOrientationThe text orientation of a stamp or text annotation element determines the text display orientation.
NX_TextToolArrowsThe ability to show arrows on the TextTool when there is more text than what can be displayed.
NX_TMS_NoteThe TMS_Note controls how a text element is saved in the legacy ann file format.
NX_ToolTipTextThe tool tip text for an element.
NX_ToolTipTimeEditThe tool tip time in edit mode.
NX_ToolTipTimeInteractiveThe tool tip time in interactive mode.
NX_ToolTypeThe tool type controls what annotation the element is already such as Ruler, Rectangle, Stamp, Image, etc.
NX_TransparentColorThe transparent color is the color in the image that will show through to what is underneath the object.
NX_TwipsThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_UnicodeModeThe ability to handle Unicode characters.
NX_UserDrawThe UserDraw attribute is if the application wants to draw or paint the rectangle itself.
NX_VisibleThe visibility of an annotation.
NX_YardsThe internal attribute for measurement.  Do not use.
NX_ZOrderThe bottom to top display of annotations.
Return Type
The RGB (Red Green Blue) color value for the element's specific attribute.
The specified attribute must be for a color, and the attribute must be valid for the specific type of annotation.
See Also

NotateXpress Object  | NotateXpress Members  | Modifying Existing Annotations



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