Accusoft NotateXpress 13
MenuGetEnabled Method

If the menu value is NX_Menu_Toolbar, then the tool parameter is the Tool ID that the menu is associated with.

If the menu value is NX_Menu_Context, then the tool parameter has no meaning and can be any value.

Gets if the specified menu is displayed.
Visual Basic
Public Function MenuGetEnabled( _
   ByVal Menu As NX_MenuType, _
   ByVal Tool As NX_AnnotationTool _
) As Boolean
NX_Menu_ContextThe right click menu for an element.
NX_Menu_ToolbarThe right click menu for each tool on the toolbar.
NX_BlockHighlightTool(&H100C) - BlockHighlight tool.
NX_ButtonTool(&H100A) - Button tool.
NX_EllipseTool(&H1003) - Ellipse tool.
NX_FreehandTool(&H1007) - Freehand Tool.
NX_ImageTool(&H1009) - Image tool.
NX_LineTool(&H1006) - Line Tool.
NX_NoteTool(&H100D) - Note tool.
NX_NoTool(&H0000) - Disables annotation.
NX_PointerTool(&H1000) - Selection tool.
NX_PolygonTool(&H1004) - Polygon Tool.
NX_PolyLineTool(&H1005) - PolyLine Tool.
NX_RectangleTool(&H1002) - Rectangle tool.
NX_RulerTool(&H100B) - Ruler tool.
NX_StampTool(&H1008) - Stamp tool.
NX_TextTool(&H1001) - Text tool.

If the menu value is NX_Menu_Toolbar, then the tool parameter is the Tool ID that the menu is associated with.

If the menu value is NX_Menu_Context, then the tool parameter has no meaning and can be any value.

Return Type
If the specified menu will display.
See Also

NotateXpress Object  | NotateXpress Members  | Context Menus



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