Accusoft NotateXpress 13
MenuChangeItem Method

If the menu value is NX_Menu_Toolbar, then the tool parameter is the Tool ID that the menu is associated with.

If the menu value is NX_Menu_Context, then the tool parameter has no meaning and can be any value.

The top level menu ID for this menu item.

A menu ID of 4100-4200 is reserved for adding a menu separator bar.

The top level menu ID must be 20000 or greater for user items.

Changes the specified menu item for the specified menu.
Visual Basic
Public Function MenuChangeItem( _
   ByVal Menu As NX_MenuType, _
   ByVal Tool As NX_AnnotationTool, _
   ByVal TopMenuID As Long, _
   ByVal SubMenuID As Long, _
   ByVal MenuText As String _
) As Boolean
NX_Menu_ContextThe right click menu for an element.
NX_Menu_ToolbarThe right click menu for each tool on the toolbar.
NX_BlockHighlightTool(&H100C) - BlockHighlight tool.
NX_ButtonTool(&H100A) - Button tool.
NX_EllipseTool(&H1003) - Ellipse tool.
NX_FreehandTool(&H1007) - Freehand Tool.
NX_ImageTool(&H1009) - Image tool.
NX_LineTool(&H1006) - Line Tool.
NX_NoteTool(&H100D) - Note tool.
NX_NoTool(&H0000) - Disables annotation.
NX_PointerTool(&H1000) - Selection tool.
NX_PolygonTool(&H1004) - Polygon Tool.
NX_PolyLineTool(&H1005) - PolyLine Tool.
NX_RectangleTool(&H1002) - Rectangle tool.
NX_RulerTool(&H100B) - Ruler tool.
NX_StampTool(&H1008) - Stamp tool.
NX_TextTool(&H1001) - Text tool.

If the menu value is NX_Menu_Toolbar, then the tool parameter is the Tool ID that the menu is associated with.

If the menu value is NX_Menu_Context, then the tool parameter has no meaning and can be any value.


The top level menu ID for this menu item.

A menu ID of 4100-4200 is reserved for adding a menu separator bar.

The top level menu ID must be 20000 or greater for user items.

The sub level menu ID for this menu item if this is to change a sub level menu item. Otherwise, this parameter should be 0.
The text that will be displayed for this menu item.
Return Type
If the specified menu item is changed.
See Also

NotateXpress Object  | NotateXpress Members  | Context Menus



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