Accusoft NotateXpress 13
NX_AnnotationMethods Enumeration
Specifies context menu values for built in methods.  Use these values for editing the context menu.
NX_BringItemToFront1538Brings the specified annotation element to the front of the Z-order for the current layer.
NX_Copy1001Copies the currently selected annotation element to the clipboard, making the element available to be pasted.
NX_Cut1000Copies the currently selected annotation element to the clipboard and then deletes the element, making the element available to be pasted.
NX_Delete1007Deletes the currently selected element.
NX_NudgeDn1537Moves the specified annotation one level down in Z-Order (towards the bottom) in the painting order for the current layer.
NX_NudgeUp1536Moves the specified annotation one level up in Z-Order (towards the top) in the painting order for the current layer.
NX_Paste1002Pastes the available annotation elements into the current layer from the clipboard.
NX_SendItemToBack1539Sends the specified annotation element to the back of the Z-order for the current layer.



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