ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v20.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ISIS Component API Reference > ISIS Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGISISTagDataType

This enumeration provides the values for the different data types that can be used for an ISIS tag (e.g., these are the values that can be used for the DataType property in the IGISISTagChoice and IGISISTagValue objects).


IG_ISIS_TAG_TYPE_BYTE The tag value is a Byte. Represented as Long in IGISISTagChoice and IGISISTagValue objects.
IG_ISIS_TAG_TYPE_LONG The tag value is Long. Represented as Long in IGISISTagChoice and IGISISTagValue objects.
IG_ISIS_TAG_TYPE_RATIONAL The tag value is Rational. Represented as Array in IGISISTagChoice and IGISISTagValue objects.
IG_ISIS_TAG_TYPE_SHORT The tag value is Short. Represented as Long in IGISISTagChoice and IGISISTagValue objects.
IG_ISIS_TAG_TYPE_STRING The tag value is a String. Represented as a String in IGISISTagChoice and IGISISTagValue objects.

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