ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v20.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ImageClean Component API Reference > ImageClean Component Structures Reference > AT_IC_LINE_OPTIONS

This structure specifies parameters for IG_IC_remove_lines function.


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typedef struct tagAT_IC_LINE_OPTIONS
        AT_DOUBLE dMaxWidth;
        AT_DOUBLE dMinLength;
        AT_DOUBLE dMaxBreak;
        enumIGICUnits nUnit;
        enumIGICDirection nDirection;


Name Type Description
dMinLength AT_DOUBLE Minimal length of line segment. All lines that do not exceed this value are ignored. Measure unit is set by Unit field. Default value is 10 mm.
dMaxWidth AT_DOUBLE Maximal width of line segment. All lines that exceed this value are ignored. Measure unit is set by Unit field. Default value is 1 mm.
dMaxBreak AT_DOUBLE Maximal distance between segments of broken line. Measure unit is set by Unit field. Default value is 1 mm.
nUnit enumIGICUnits Line's size measure unit. Default value is IG_IC_UNIT_MM.
nDirection enumIGICDirection Direction of lines to detect. Default is IG_IC_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL.
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