ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v20.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > GUI Functions > GUI Page Functions > IG_GUI_page_attribute_set

This function allows you to change the settings for the GUI Page window.


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AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_GUI_page_attribute_set( 
        HWND hwndPage,   
        AT_MODE nAttributeID, 
        const LPVOID lpData 


Name Type Description
hwndPage HWND Windows handle of the GUI Page Sorter window.
nAttributeID AT_MODE An integer variable of type AT_MODE that indicates the attribute for which to get the current setting. These constants have the prefix IG_GUI_PAGE_ and are defined in accucnst.h.
lpData const LPVOID The new setting for the page attribute is referred to by nAttributeID.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.




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/*Create the new page window with the new font */
HFONT hOldFont, hFont;
IG_GUI_page_window_create(hWnd, IG_GRP_DEFAULT+1, "Page Window",
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 320, 200, &hwndPage);
hFont = CreateFontA(
       24, /*  height  */
       0, /*nWidth*/
       0, /*nEscapement*/
       0, /*nOrientation*/
       FW_NORMAL, /*fnWeight*/
       FALSE, /*fdwItalic*/
       FALSE, /*fdwUnderline*/
       FALSE, /*fdwStrikeOut*/
       ANSI_CHARSET, /*fdwCharSet*/
       OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, /*fdwOutputPrecision*/
       CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, /*fdwClipPrecision*/
       DEFAULT_QUALITY, /*fdwQuality*/
       "Ariel" /*lpszFace*/
    IG_GUI_page_attribute_get(hwndPage, IG_GUI_PAGE_FONT_TITLE,
    IG_GUI_page_attribute_set(hwndPage, IG_GUI_PAGE_FONT_TITLE,


Set nAttributeID to the appropriate defined IG_GUI_PAGE_ constant and lpData to the appropriate value.

The table below lists the GUI Page Settings and indicates the various attributes to which you should refer:

Image Control Constants Type Values Range
IG_GUI_PAGE_REALIZEPALETTETO HWND A window that contains the palette to use for the page thumbnails.
IG_GUI_PAGE_DRAGDROP AT_BOOL TRUE - moving page thumbnails is allowed within the page window if the SHIFT key is pressed.
IG_GUI_PAGE_ALIAS_THRESHOLD UINT Anti-aliasing threshold for 1-bit page thumbnails.

Currently it is possible to change font title for Page windows that is created by IG_GUI_page_window_create(). To set the font use IG_GUI_page_attribute_set() and to get the font, use IG_GUI_page_attribute_get() with the IG_GUI_PAGE_FONT_TITLE option. As in the case of thumbnail window, the user is responsible for creating and deleting the font. See the example below.
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