ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v20.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ArtX Component API Reference > ArtX Component Structures Reference > AT_ARTX_PIN

This structure contains members that specify attributes of Pin drawn with text annotations.


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typedef struct tagAT_ARTX_PIN
        enumIGArtXPinAlignment nAlignment;
        AT_RGBQUAD rgbColor;
        AT_BOOL bColorPresent;


Name Type Description
nAlignment enumIGArtXPinAlignment Pin alignment.
rgbColor AT_RGBQUAD Color used to fill area not covered by pin image.
bColorPresent AT_BOOL Specifies whether the rgbColor field is valid and contains any data. If the pin is transparent, bColorPresent is FALSE, and the value of rgbColor is not defined.
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