ImageGear for C and C++ on Linux v20.4 - Updated
What's the Best Format for...?
[No Target Defined] > File Formats and Compressions > File Formats > What's the Best Format for...?

The following table contains the formats that are considered most practical for the listed type of data, and can be used as a starting point. You can use a format with the appropriate character depth and one that provides either the most efficient use of space, or the fastest loading and saving capabilities.

Bear in mind that the following table provides recommendations only. To make an informed choice, read about each format in more detail in the section ImageGear Supported File Formats Reference.

Image Type Recommended
Grayscale/many shades
Monochrome / high resolution
Banking data



Extra data to store
Iconic images
Photographic images
Internet images
Mac paint programs
PC paint programs and/or graphics arts
X Windows
Medical data
Document processing
Gigabyte-sized images
Alpha channel

Alpha channel is an additional image channel that specifies transparency (or opacity) of each pixel in the image. ImageGear provides alpha channel support for the following file format filters:

Format Read-Only Support Read/Write Support
Adobe PSB
  • Single alpha channel
  • Additional alpha channels as ImageGear extra channels
Adobe PSD
  • Single alpha channel
  • Additional alpha channels as ImageGear extra channels
CUR Single 1-bit alpha channel Single 8-bit alpha channel

Single alpha channel

  • Single alpha channel
  • Additional alpha channels as ImageGear extra channels
  • The following compressions are supported with alpha channel:
    • Uncompressed
    • Packed Bits
    • LZW
    • Deflate
ICO   Single 8-bit alpha channel
JPEG   Single alpha channel
JPEG 2000 Single alpha channel for grayscale and RGB images
  • Single alpha channel for grayscale and RGB images
  • Additional alpha channels as ImageGear extra channels
  • Single alpha channel
  • Alpha channel must be an 8-bit image
PNG   Single alpha channel
RAW Single alpha channel in uncompressed images  
SGI   Single alpha channel
TGA   Single alpha channel
  • Single alpha channel
  • Additional alpha channels as ImageGear extra channels
  • The following compressions are supported with alpha channel:
    • Uncompressed
    • Packed Bits
    • LZW
    • Deflate
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