enumIGTWAINAlarms |
Determines specific audible alarms. |
enumIGTWAINAudioFormats |
Determines which Audio file formats are supported. |
enumIGTWAINBarcodeRotation |
Determines the bar code's orientation on the scanned image. |
enumIGTWAINBarcodeSearchModes |
Restricts barcode searching to certain orientations |
enumIGTWAINBarcodeType |
Determines the type of bar code found on a page. |
enumIGTWAINBitDepthReduction |
Specifies the Reduction Method the Source should use to reduce the bit depth of the data. |
enumIGTWAINBitOrder |
Specifies how the bytes in an image are filled by the Source. |
This enumeration determines the type of callback function. |
enumIGTWAINClearBuffers |
Determines the type of buffer clearing process. |
enumIGTWAINColorDataFormats |
Allows the application and Source to identify which color data formats are available. |
enumIGTWAINContainerType |
Capability container type. |
enumIGTWAINControlParams |
TWAIN control parameters. |
enumIGTWAINCountries |
Specifies the country originated the scanned document. |
enumIGTWAINDeskewStatus |
Determines the status of the deskew operation. |
enumIGTWAINDeviceEvents |
Determines the device event. |
enumIGTWAINDuplex |
Determines whether the scanner supports duplex. |
enumIGTWAINFeederAlignment |
Determines which special actions application may need to take when negotiating frames with the Source. |
enumIGTWAINFeederOrder |
Determines the order of scanning. |
enumIGTWAINFileSystem |
This enumeration determines the configuration of TWAIN file system. |
enumIGTWAINFileType |
File types in the device's file system. |
enumIGTWAINFilterType |
Determines the color characteristic of the subtractive filter applied to the image data. |
enumIGTWAINFlashUsed |
Determines which flash the image was acquired to use. |
enumIGTWAINFlipRotation |
Determines the orientation of images that flip orientation of every other image. |
enumIGTWAINImageFilter |
Determines the algorithm used to improve the quality of the image. |
enumIGTWAINJobControl |
Determines how the job can be processed, |
enumIGTWAINJPEGQuality |
Specifies the kind of JPEG quantization tables that tradeoff quality versus compressed image size. |
enumIGTWAINLanguages |
Specifies language of the scanned document. |
enumIGTWAINLightPath |
Determines whether the image is captured transmissively or reflectively. |
enumIGTWAINLightSource |
Determines the general color characteristic of the light source used to acquire the image. |
enumIGTWAINMessages |
This enumeration represents capability control messages. |
enumIGTWAINNoiseFilter |
Selects the algorithm used to remove noise. |
enumIGTWAINOrientation |
Determines which edge of the "paper" the image's "top" is aligned with. |
enumIGTWAINOverscanModes |
Determines the over-scanning mode. |
enumIGTWAINPatchCode |
Determines prioritized list of patch code types dictating the order in which patch codes will be sought |
enumIGTWAINPixelFlavor |
Describes the sense of the pixel whose numeric value is zero (minimum data value). |
enumIGTWAINPixelType |
Specifies the type of pixel data that a Source is capable of acquiring (for example, black and white, gray, RGB, etc.). |
enumIGTWAINPowerSupply |
Reports the kinds of power available to the device. |
enumIGTWAINPrinter |
Determines the printer devices being used by application. |
enumIGTWAINPrinterModes |
Specifies current printer mode. |
enumIGTWAINSupportedSizes |
Specifies the size(s) the Source can/should use to acquire image data. |
enumIGTWAINUnits |
Determines the unit of measure for all quantities. |
enumIGTWAINXferFlags |
This enumeration provides the flags for transfer mechanism. |
enumIGTWAINXferType |
Determines which type of transfer mechanisms the application and Source have in common. |