Retrieving DIB Information
If you formerly retrieved information about an image by getting a pointer to the DIB and reading from the DIB header, refer to this table to see how to get the same information in other ways:
Note that you need a HIGDIBINFO handle for all functions in the right column of this table. Here's an example of how to get one from a HIGEAR, get some information, and clean up:
Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT nErrcount; /* Number of errors on stack */
HIGDIBINFO hDIBInfo; /* DIB info handle */
HIGEAR hImage; /* HIGEAR handle of image */
AT_DIMENSION width; /* Returned width of image */
nErrcount = IG_image_DIB_info_get(hImage, &hDIBInfo);
width = IG_DIB_width_get(hDIBInfo);