ImageGear allows users to load layered image files and retain image layers for editing. Users can also create new layers, delete existing ones, as well as flatten and display the selected layers.
ImageGear currently supports layers for PSD and large PSD (PSB) file formats.
ImageGear provides a set of API for working with layers:
- HIGLAYER is a handle-based object representing the general attributes of the layer. ImageGear can currently read and write PSD layers. Users can manipulate with generic layer attributes using the IG_layer_... API.
- HIGIMAGELAYER is a handle-based object representing the image layer and its attributes. Any PSD image can consist of multiple layers. Currently ImageGear can only read, write, and edit image layers, i.e., layers represented by a raster image. Users can manipulate with image layer attributes using the IG_image_layer_... API.
- HIGLAYERARRAY is a handle-based object representing the composition of layers. The composition of layers from a PSD image is stored in the array of layers attached to the HIGEAR. Users can manipulate with composition by creating new layers, editing, and deleting the existing ones using the IG_layer_array_... API.
- HIGEAR also has new IG_image_layers_... API, and there are new IG_gui_layers_... functions in the GUI Component.
Types of Layers Used in ImageGear
Layers are used to specify different elements of an image. There are different types of layers. They represent a part of an image either as image pixels or as adjustment instructions. They are stacked on top of each other, producing the resultant appearance of the image. ImageGear supports the image layers described next:
- Image Layer: An Image Layer is a type of layer containing image pixels that can be applied/blended with another layer. An image from the Image Layer can cover the same area as the resulting image or just the portion specified by its rectangle. Image Layers have an opacity and other properties associated with it.
- Layered Page: An ImageGear layered page is a raster image page containing the composition of layers. Layers associated with an image page can be blended in the order they appear, providing the resultant page. The result of such blending represents the final image view and is stored in the page's DIB.