ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.9 - Updated
API Reference Guide > ArtX Component API Reference > ArtX Component Objects Reference > HIG_ARTX_ACTION

ArtX class for processing ArtX GUI actions such as marks creation, selection, moving, and resizing.


IG_ARTX_action_begin_creation Creates GUI action object of type Mark Creation.
IG_ARTX_action_begin_edit Creates GUI action object of type Mark Edit.
IG_ARTX_action_begin_move Creates GUI action object of type Mark Move.
IG_ARTX_action_begin_resize Creates GUI action object of type Mark Resize.
IG_ARTX_action_begin_selection Creates GUI action object of type Selection.
IG_ARTX_action_draw Performs drawing of GUI action.
IG_ARTX_action_end Ends specified GUI action.
IG_ARTX_action_mouse_down Passes mouse events to GUI action. It should be called when user presses mouse button.
IG_ARTX_action_mouse_move Passes mouse events to GUI action. It should be called when user moves mouse pointer.
IG_ARTX_action_mouse_up Passes mouse events to GUI action. It should be called when user releases mouse button.
IG_ARTX_action_type_get Returns action's type.