ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.8 - Updated
ISIS Scanning
User Guide > How to Work with... > Common Operations > Scanning > ISIS Scanning

The ImageGear ISIS component is a high-speed scanning module based on the AIIM MS61 standard with a complete API that provides full control of the scanning process.

The ISIS Component is available for ImageGear for C and C++ 32-bit versions.
The name of the ISIS standard is ANSI/AIIM MS61-1996. ISIS is a trademark of DELL EMC Captiva Software.

ISIS (the Image and Scanner Interface Specification) is an open standard for scanner control and a complete image-processing framework. Now supported by a large number of application and scanner vendors, and rapidly becoming a de facto industry standard, ISIS allows application developers to build very complex image capture systems quickly and reliably using any ISIS certified driver.

ISIS excels at running scanners at or above their rated speed. It does so by linking drivers together in a pipe so that data flows from scanner driver to compression driver, to packaging driver, to a file, viewer, or printer in a continuous stream, usually without a need to buffer more than a small portion of the entire image. Because ISIS drivers are arranged in a pipe when they are used, each driver is specialized to perform only one function. Drivers are typically small and modular, which means that ISIS allows new functionality to be introduced into an existing application with very little modification.

Since virtually every ISIS driver has been created either by DELL EMC Captiva Software, or with access to PixTools toolkits and sample source code, there is a high degree of API consistency between ISIS drivers - even drivers for scanning devices as different as a hand scanner and a digital copier.

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