ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.7 - Updated
API Reference Guide > Recognition Component API Reference > Recognition Component Functions Reference > Utility Functions > IG_REC_modules_info_get

Obtains information about the available modules of recognition engine.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_REC_modules_info_get(
   LPAT_INT pSize


Name Type Description
ppModules LPAT_REC_MODULE_INFO* Address of a pointer to the module information array.
pSize LPAT_INT Address of a variable holding the number of module information structures.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ErrCount = 0;
AT_INT nModulesCount = 0;
ErrCount = IG_REC_modules_info_get(&pModules, &nModulesCount);


ErrCount += IG_REC_free(pModules);


  1. You may want to invoke this function just after calling the IG_REC_initialize function to see if any module initialization failed AND/OR to get the module version numbers.
  2. During the initialization call, the recognition engine tries to initialize all its modules. There can be two reasons why a module won't be reported as available when the module is missing or not licensed on that particular computer.
    • When a module (or one of its important files) is missing, the initialization of that module will fail. E.g., if the DOT module's basic module DLL file, RNDOT.DLL is missing, neither this module nor its service (9-pin dot-matrix recognition) will be available.
    • When there is no license for a module, even if all the files of the module are present in the recognition binary directory, the initialization of that module will fail.
  3. If there is a zone whose associated recognition module has not been initialized/loaded properly, the IG_REC_image_recognize function will return with IGE_REC_NO_TXT_WARN, signaling that there is at least one zone on the image whose content could not be recognized due to a non-functioning recognition module.
  4. The presence in the recognition binary directory of the modules API, CHR, MGR, IMG, and IMF is always required for the successful initialization of the system. The presence of any other module of the recognition engine is optional.

    The integrating application may not require all the modules of the recognition engine, so any superfluous files can be simply deleted from the Binary directory. 

  5. You must call IG_REC_free function for ppModules if the module info is no longer needed.