ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.7 - Updated
API Reference Guide > Recognition Component API Reference > Recognition Component Structures Reference > AT_REC_STATISTICS

Recognition statistics.

Processing statistics structure associated with the processing of the last accessed page. A value of zero (0) in a timing field indicates that either the relevant process has not been performed or it has been performed but resulted in zero due to timing resolution. The time spent in the Progress indication user callback function (if any) is not taken into account in these time measurements. The total processing time that a single image spends in the Engine until recognition data or the final output document is produced can be calculated as follows: iTotal = iScanTime + iPreprocTime + iDecompTime + iReadingTime.


Copy Code
typedef struct tagAT_REC_STATISTICS
   AT_INT CharCount;
   AT_INT DecompTime;
   AT_INT PreProcTime;
   AT_INT ReadTime;
   AT_INT RecognitionTime;
   AT_INT RejectedCharCount;
   AT_INT WordCount;


Structure Members:

Name Type Description
CharCount AT_INT Number of recognized characters on the last page.
DecompTime AT_INT Page-layout decomposition time in 1/1000 secs (i.e., auto-zoning).
PreProcTime AT_INT Image preprocessing time in 1/1000 secs.
ReadTime AT_INT Reading time in 1/1000 secs. This includes the time iRecognitionTime, the time necessary for sorting the output coming from the different recognition modules, the time spent with the checking module, and the time required to produce the recognition result (e.g., the time necessary to write the recognition result into the recognition data file). This field may also include the time needed for transferring the recognition result from the current page into the final output document (IG_REC_output_direct_text_write), supposing that the statistical information was requested after conversion to the final output document.
RecognitionTime AT_INT The recognition time (in 1/1000 secs) that the page spent in the different recognition modules during the recognition process.
RejectedCharCount AT_INT Number of rejected characters on the last page.
WordCount AT_INT Number of recognized words on the last page.