ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.7 - Updated
API Reference Guide > GUI Component API Reference > GUI Component Structures Reference > AT_IGGUI_IP_TILT

This structure is used to pass parameters to the IG_gui_ip_enhance_local_dlg function.


Copy Code
typedef struct tagAT_IGGUI_IP_TILT
   AT_BOOL bRemoveMean;
   DWORD cbSize;
   AT_DOUBLE dPiston;
   AT_DOUBLE dSlopeX;
   AT_DOUBLE dSlopeY;
   HIGEAR hIGear;
   HWND hWnd;
   LPFNIGGUI_IP_UPDATE lpfnUpdateProc;
   LPCHAR lpszTitle;
   AT_ERRCOUNT nErrCount;
   AT_MODE nType;
   AT_RECT rc;
   UINT uFlags;


Structure Members:

Name Type Description
bRemoveMean AT_BOOL Remove the mean from the de-tilted image, giving it zero-mean statistics.
cbSize DWORD Specifies the length, in bytes, of the structure.
dPiston AT_DOUBLE Specify the piston of the tile plane.
dSlopeX AT_DOUBLE Specify the slope of the plane in X direction, and must be given in units per pixel.
dSlopeY AT_DOUBLE Specify the slope of the plane in X direction, and must be given in units per pixel.
hIGear HIGEAR HIGEAR handle of image to be processed.
hWnd HWND A handle of the window to update.
lpfnUpdateProc LPFNIGGUI_IP_UPDATE A pointer to a function of type FNIGGUI_IP_UPDATE to notify the application that an Image Processing operation has been applied to the image.
lpszTitle LPCHAR A dialog title.
nErrCount AT_ERRCOUNT The number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.
nType AT_MODE Reserved.
rc AT_RECT Far pointer to an AT_RECT structure specifying the rectangular portion of the image on which to operate. If NULL, this operation will be performed on the entire image. Before ImageGear performs this operation it will check to see if an internal flag has been set to TRUE to make a mask active for this HIGEAR image. If a mask is active, and a valid pointer to a mask can be found, ImageGear will override the settings passed to this structure in favor of the non-rectangular ROI defined by the mask.
uFlags UINT A set of bit flags you can use to initialize the dialog box.