ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.6 - Updated February 4, 2020
API Reference Guide > PDF Component API Reference > PDF Component Enumerations Reference > enumIGPDFOCMDVisPolicy

Represents the 4 legal values for the /P key in an OCMD dictionary. They specify the visibility of content with respect to the on/off state of the OCGs layers listed in the OCMD dictionary.


IGPDFOCMDVisibility_AllOn Content in the member groups is visible only when all groups are ON.
IGPDFOCMDVisibility_AnyOn Content in the member groups is visible only when any of the groups is ON.
IGPDFOCMDVisibility_AnyOff Content in the member groups is visible only when any of the groups is OFF.
IGPDFOCMDVisibility_AllOff Content in the member groups is visible only when all groups are OFF.